Man Utd give Antony a leave of absence after allegations of domestic violence

Manchester United have given winger Antony a leave of absence amid allegations by three women of domestic abuse. The Red Devils have announced that the Brazilian will not return to their Carrington training base until ‘further notice’.

Antony was last month accused by his former partner Gabriela Cavallin of physical aggression on a number of occasions since January. The police have investigated the allegations, which Antony has denied. 

Last week, two further women made allegations of domestic abuse against the former Ajax footballer. Influencer and law student Rayssa de Freitas in May 2022 filed a police report against Antony alleging she sustained injuries in an incident involving the player and another woman after a night out in Sao Paulo.

Brazilian banker Ingrid Lana has alleged that in an incident at Antony’s home in Manchester in October 2022 he “pushed me against the wall, and I hit my head”.

Antony denies those allegations, too. It has been mutually decided that he will take a leave of absence. 

United’s statement said: “Manchester United acknowledges the allegations made against Antony. Players who have not participated in international matches are due back in training on Monday. 

“However, it has been agreed with Antony that he will delay his return until further notice in order to address the allegations.

“As a club we condemn acts of violence and abuse. We recognise the importance of safeguarding all those involved in this situation, and acknowledge the impact these allegations have on survivors of abuse.”

Antony, who has been neither arrested nor charged, released his own statement which reads: “I have agreed with Manchester United to take a period of absence while I address the allegations made against me.

“This was a mutual decision to avoid distraction to my teammates and unnecessary controversy for the club.

“I want to reiterate my innocence of the things I have been accused of, and I will fully cooperate with the police to help them reach the truth. I look forward to returning to play as soon as possible.”

Cavallin called for Antony to be suspended by United this weekend. She told the Sun on Sunday: “Antony needs to be taken off the pitch. It’s disappointing he’s still allowed to play while there’s an investigation.

“I am absolutely destroyed by the whole process. How can life go on as normal for him? They can’t just know what they know now and not do anything. He needs to be removed.”

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