5 Casino Games With The Best Odds - Your Best Chance To Beat The House

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Stop losing your money playing crap. casino games I'm not talking about craps that dice game because spoiler alert. that's actually on this list I'm talking, about crap casino games with a huge, house Edge and really poor odds you'll, likely know that every casino game has a built-in house Edge and that's why, casinos exist but the house Edge varies, dramatically from game to game we've done the research and crunch the numbers. so that you don't have to these are the. five casino games with the best odds. giving you the best chance of winning number five on the list is French. roulette and I'm being specific when I, say French roulette American roulette with the double zero has terrible odds. for the player and the casino house Edge, is 5.26, with such a large house Edge the, American roulette game certainly doesn't. deserve to be on this list the European. version is much better with a house edge. of 2.7 but the French version is even, better than that with a house Edge as, low as 1.35 when betting on even chance, bets the reason French roulette has. better odds that it's American and, European counterparts is because of a, couple of rule variations that are advantageous for the player such as Le parte and ombreson these have the same. principles but work in slightly, different ways in this situation when, you're betting on even chance bets and the ball lands on zero La parte's rule. means that the casino will give you half, of your bet back rather than losing it. all the ombreson rule is similar but, with this rule your bet is Frozen for. the next bit meaning you're essentially. given a second chance to recoup your. state these added rules make French, roulette considerably better than other. variations the number four casino game. is Baccarat the bakara table is where. many of the high rollers hang out and. for good reason it's a simple and, classic game that has some of the best. odds available whilst playing at the, casino there's only three bets you can make whilst playing baccarat and two of those three have fantastic odds the BET. to avoid is the Tie that there are ties, between the bankers and players hands. only 9.6 of the time this means the true odds are 9.4 to 1 but the casino only, pays out eight to one with this. difference between the payout and the, true odds means this particular bet has, a very high house edge of 14.36 the good news is that the other two bets have far better odds hence why baccarat is in. this video the player bet has a house, edge of 1.24 which is really small when, we consider games like American roulette, and most slot machines that have a house set of over five percent when factoring in the Tie The Player's hand wins around 49 of the time with, this bet paying even money it's very. close to True odds even better than the, player bet is the banker bet the, Banker's hand is such a great bet that all things being equal the player would. actually have an advantage over the, casino. imagine how much money you could take from the casino over the long run if you, were guaranteed to win 51 of the time it, goes without saying the casino can't have tables full of players taking their

money and for this reason they charge a, commission on the banker bet this is. sometimes referred to as the juice this, small commission tilts the house Edge. back to the casino even with the five. percent commission that the house charges The Edge is still incredibly small at just 1.06 for this Banker bet amazingly we've got three more games that have even better odds than just. 1.06 house Edge one of those games is a. personal favorite and that's craps also. known as dice this game can be fantastically complex and there's so much going on unlike baccarat there are, far more than just three bets to make at the craps table some of them have. fantastic odds and some of them are. absolutely atrocious as a rule of thumb. the fancy complex bets like 212 and all, the hard Hoops has a huge house edge of over 13 if you're wondering what on. Earth I'm talking about we'll put a link, to an introduction of crap bets in the, description despite some bets being. absolutely no goals craps actually has, some bets that have no Casino house Edge. at all that's right there are some bats on the craps table that pay out true. odds now the catch is that you have to, place other bets before you're able to take advantage of these bets and that's. why craps is not higher on the list but. all things considered crap still offers tremendous odds the pass line has a house edge of 1.4 percent and the don't, pass line is even better still with a. house edge of 1.3 percent once you have. placed either of these bets you can take advantage of the odds behind which pay true odds let me explain how each of. these bets pay exactly what they should. and how the casino has no mathematical, Advantage from them let's use the, example of betting on the odds of the, number four with this bet it wins when a four is rolled and loses when a seven is rolled all other scores nothing else, happens there are six combinations of, the dice that make a seven one and six. two and five three and four four and. three five and two and six and one whereas there are only three. combinations that can make a score of four that's one and three two and two. three and one this essentially means, there are six chances of the BET losing, and three chances of the BET winning or. in other words for every two times it, loses one time it will win meaning that, the odds of this bet winning are two to. one and that is exactly the payout of. this particular bet the same applies to. odds on five and nine as well as six and eight if you're playing craps stick to, these smart bets and avoid the silly ones and you will have every chance to. walk away as a winner. so how can the next two games possibly, beat a game that has Bets with no house, Edge at all missing the top spot is the classic of all classics and that's Blackjack Blackjack is a game that. includes skill and strategy and so if you're not a very good player then the. odds of this game are not better than craps or baccarat and depending on how, bad of a player you are they might even be worse than American roulette you also, need to consider that there are many variations of blackjack that have. different rules if you're playing at a, blackjack table that pays six to five on

blackjack or that won't let you double. down on any two cards then those versions of blackjack do not deserve a place on this list they will have a much higher house Edge if you're playing on, these variations of blackjack do yourself a favor and find a better casino to play at we've actually made. finding casinos with the best variations. of games really easy if you complete the two minute quiz we'll send you hand selected option based on your personal, preferences check the link in the. description to make sure the casino you. play at isn't taking you for a fool having said that if you're playing basic Blackjack strategy and at a table with, advantageous rules then the house Edge, can be as low as 0.4 percent advantageous rules include dealers, standing on soft 17 having the option to surrender and being able to hit or, re-split after splitting your Aces, the number one best game to play at the, casino is our first non-table game on. the list it's video poker video poker is often overlooked by Casino players, perhaps because it's less colorful and. flashy than other slot machines but your, chances of winning are certainly much higher than a machine with all the bells. and whistles, you know immediately the odds on this, game are fantastic if they're better, than Blackjack would you believe me if I said that on some video poker games the. house Edge is negative meaning that the, player actually has the edge well I. didn't believe it either until I saw the, numbers typically speaking video poker. variations will have around a one to 0.5 percent house Edge but there are. variations like juices wild which means, the twos are wild cards that have a house edge of negative 0.76 percent if played to Perfection Yes you heard that right the player has a, 0.76 percent Edge when making no mistakes and playing Max bet playing. maximum bet is an important factor when playing video poker and here's why take a look at the pay table notice the payout for a royal flush it's 250 to 1, when playing one two three or four coins, however when playing five coins this now jumps to 800 to 1. now a royal flush is unlikely but the fact the casino increases its odds from 250 to 1 up to. 800 to 1 means that you just have to. play maximum bet in order to bring the, house Edge down and even in your favor. there are also some video poker games, that have Progressive jackpots these can be hundreds of thousands of pounds and, we've heard of one jackpot reaching one million dollars at the cosmo in Las, Vegas. with these huge Progressive jackpots, combined with the already seriously good, odds the player Edge can be upwards of two percent now the next time you're. playing casino games look out for video. poker remember there are multiple, variations but even the worst video. poker games have better odds than American roulette if you've enjoyed this, video please give it a like subscribe to, the channel and complete the Matchmaker, quiz so that we can find you the perfect Casino,

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