Hi and Welcome to our video of The Magnificent Spanish city of Mercia this. is the third overnight destination of. our 20123 Spanish Road Trip the trip. started and finished in bilb staying in nine different destinations over 17. nights with a few stopovers on route two. and the end of this video is a playlist, with the other destinations we visited. as well as a look at the road trip that. connected them we're here for two nights but we could have stayed and another. there's an International Airport 16 mi from the center so a visit to merci doesn't need to be a road trip anyway without further Ado let's get started at the Town Hall and the Glorietta. Gardens for reference this is late, September the temperature is in the, mid-20s or mid '70s depending on your, scale in the description below I'll add. links to all the places we visit as well. as our accommodation the skur till Amistad meria which is reasonably Cent. for just a short walk from here and with secure underground car parking and now I need to cover the, usual if you enjoying this give us a like please and if you like my style of video why not subscribe and hit that, notification Bell there's always more, travels with a Sprinkle of history and, culture thrown in and talking about. history Mercia was founded 825 by ABD araman II imir of Coba located on the, banks of the seura river, but we're heading to somewhere that's a mix of modern and tradition and that's. the madoo de aost The Veronicas we love. strolling these food HS to see the fresh. produce on S that we may be eating later today or if we're feeling pick you can. always grab a bite in a cafe in the. magadoo there's also another reason we like little Anil through and that's to help fill the substantial holes in our, Spanish the same is true of food markets. in other countries. you get an idea of the names of the cuts of meat or fish you may know by another. name whichever way you look at it it's. an, education we will now cross the street, and head towards the seura river it will travel 40 mes East from here before, flowing into the Mediterranean we're just going to follow. it around 500 M from here on the poel, Los pelus or the bridge of dangers to, the point anua following the city, Gardens all the way. it's something we noticed about meria there's a lot of well manicured green, spaces we are now going to head back to, the old town of meria and yes we have, just done one big look and we're going to take a look at the pisso Episcopal de. does de caha and if we take a look to, the left the facade of mercius Cathedral, under. scaffolding if you know Z like us then. you can take a look in the courtyard at the center of the palace it's an amazing building that dates from the, 1700s we'll head back to the plaza the, carton or beluga and while the main facade is covered it's still a wonderful. place to visit and there are other sides. of the Cathedral Church of St Mary in. meria that we can see before heading, around to Plaza henard, Amores where we get to see the bell. tower which at 90 M according to wik is, the tallest in Spain but I think seville's gerado is 105, M either way it's very impressive built, between 1521 and. 1791 it has five levels each of a, different style there were various tours to visit, the church and the link is in the. description below however we visited free of charge but there was a service. on so we kept it brief and,
respectful originally there was a great mosque on the site it was captured in the Mudah har rev and on it built what, you see before you work started on the, Christian building in the early 14th century and went on until the latter. part of the 15th century however as with. some many ancient places of worship, modifications and additions have continued until the 18th century the. interior is largely Gothic or neog, gothic after a great fire in. 1854 did extensive damage, you'll also find a touchable Rock, too it is said that this is one of Spain's most beautiful cathedrals I'm not one to argue I love a cultural visit to these statements of Faith they can truly take your breath away I'll just give you a moment's peace. until we step outside. . . now we've stepped outside and we'll head. off to explore a up as we am along the gentleman enjoying a coffee and putting the world to rights I'm sure we'll find a group of women in a plaza somewhere. doing exactly the same thing the shades. overhead provide a welcome break from, the strong midday Sun however as I, always say make sure you look up you don't want to miss the stunning, architecture you have plenty of historic. buildings that now have a new. purpose and some that retain their. original once as you would expect every, little Plaza as a choice of cafes bars, and restaurants and you really are sport. for, Choice as you wonder the streets passing, the many churches in the city it's not, long before you on to your next Square, such as Plaza de Julian Romeo home to. the Romeo Theater built in 1862 and could be consider the cultural half performing Mercier and now I want to take you to, one of the highlights of our visit and. that's just along Cal, traia that is the Rio Casino Dem meria, now neither of us are gamblers and when. Janice said we should visit I was surprised I was even more surprised when. we stepped in we're in the Arabic cor and if this doesn't convince you to pay the small entrance fee nothing well the. neon nazari decorated space is lined with more than 35,000 sheets of gold leaf, with inspiration from the Hall of the, ambassadors at the AL hamur in, Gada I have to be honest this was not what I was expecting from a casino but to be fair it's more of a gentleman's, club there is a dress code which you can, find in the link in the description and, I must have scrubed up okay anyway we, have all gone to the central Gallery there are a number of rooms that lead, off of this but we can't help but look, back. as if the real Casino Demers has not. thrown up enough surprises the first room we've reach is the English Library there are 25 study areas and a collection of over 20,000 books dating. back to the 17th, century as you can see it's being used. to study as we step across the central Gallery we enter an elegant sitting room this reminds me of a set from an early. 20th century period, drama we are in the congresso from here we discover the Oho elegant Bor built between 1850 and 1870 in a French inspired Neo Baro design the inlaid wooden Dance Floor dates back to 1877 and musicians would have played in, the upper balconies as the ball got underway can you imagine the scene as
the cream of Mercy Society danced away. in the period the French labeled the. bellock the detail all the way out to. the ceiling and these, chandeliers these were the first, electric lamps to be used in the city of Mercia the elegance and decadence are a. sight to behold and to think I was happy to pass this. by and next room is the challenge the Ladies Room the challenge is not to. appear in the Reflections in the mirrors this would have been exactly what it says a place for ladies to. powder their noses but how could they. not get distracted by the wonderful, decorated ceiling so after the Delight so far we. head to the Pompay cult the crossroads under an iron and glass Dome as with so much of the casino the devil is in the. detail take a moment to glance around here in this Courtyard are replicas of Works found in the Vatican as well as original pieces one piece that caught my. eye was the statue to Icarus the. mythological Greek who fell too close to. the Sun and fell to his. death another short walk along an equally decorative Corridor to our next. room the arms, hall now get this originally a fencing, room hence the name however when part of. it was requisitioned to make the lady's. room it become a chess room a little less cut and. thrust next we have the te- room another area that's been restored to its former. glory once again Grand and elegant but. that was not always the case the ceiling, collapsed in the 1970s and was only. fully restored during a much later. refurbishment passing through the pompan cult we head to the blue cult now this a, change space created during the, refurbishments of 2006 to 2009 if you want to know a little more about our visit to meria we do have a. post on it on our blog there'll be a. link at the end of the video along with, a playlist of other locations we visited, on the, trip we're now going to head back down. the central gallery to the Arabic C and, this time head up to the first floor you. get a different perspective from here. and you get a another chance to check out the glass. ceiling and there's one final room for us to explore and that's the High room, that's used for different exhibitions. and, events so that's the casino done let's. head back out to the streets and another square and this time it's the plaz LA, Flores or the flow Square another, beautiful Square where you can rest your feet and grab some. refreshments it seems as you stroll. through the lanes if you're not passing, through a plaza you're passing a, church why not take a look. inside after all these steps it's time, for a bite and we found a treat the Mao deoras a new food EXP experien in, mercier's Old Post Office scan the menu covering the numerous food Outlets providing both traditional Spanish and, worldwide quisine your server will take your order and bring it to you when ready all you have to do is sit back and relax so now it's time for me to bring this video to a close and thank you for taking the time to watch I'm leaving you. with some of the street art we saw as we strolled along another side of mercy and. culture, as always stay safe stay well and happy travels.