Once again hello everyone welcome to ipro logicfx.com , home of the ipro MX-5 we're going to give you a tutorial on using the MX-5 again this is , not advice it's just setups that customers have wrote in to say they're doing extremely well with , and that's why we put out a lot of videos showing different setups that people are being you know . very proactive about very successful way okay for this demonstration I'm going to say once we , have this specific setup um I'll say two losses in a row I am going to increase okay I'm going . to with two losses in a row I'm going to add two okay um and with wins I want to do nothing I . can obviously do the same thing whatever I want to do I can reset it to one or I can say well if I had a win I want to subtract one do I want to multiply one and you know the reason why you . would have subtract one or two or whatever is if you have a couple of Misses in a row in your head , you can say Okay I want to bring the bed back down to one but I personally just um I just say reset
I want to bring it back to one unit um I think I'm going to change this to one I'm just going . to add one on two losses in a row okay another thing is starting bet I'm gonna use one unit okay um I think it makes sense and numbers I'm going to use a setup of four numbers okay so what we're going to do is we need to get some numbers right okay so now that the numbers are here I just , want to make a point okay when you do have a win it doesn't matter if it wasn't 28 I said , it was 29 or 25 or 31. you're going to get new numbers after you've input that you're going . to get new numbers once you've made 50 units or more you're going to hit reset app all these numbers are going to disappear and also at the top of your browser like very top of . your browser you're going to hit refresh okay so we are going to put in a time here of 228 with . a thousand dollar bankroll we want to get to a thousand and fifty okay that's our Target before . we do a reset now zero is not part of the number sequence so first thing we're going to do is put .
a zero now we got 3 12. what happens here 28 and 35 so now it's called the cover up you want to cover that number so 36 is above it 34 is about um beneath it 32 is to the left of it with 28 you have 29.5 and 31. with 12 you have 11 15 and 9 and with 3 you have six two okay you don't need to cover this zero all over because it wasn't part of the equation so your first bet is . 16. you have a thousand dollar bankroll let's go well that was easy so we did hit you put into 35 just get new numbers okay now is it 5 16 24 and 33. I mean this program is just look at this so you did hit here okay even though it's not one of the numbers that's fine it's a hit you so you're ahead and that's what you , want to do you want to be ahead foreign foreign 14 minutes 100.