Let's secure digital identities as well, as digital infrastructure controlling, data obviously because it's blockchain, and ensuring privacy and providing. greater opportunities now how many of you have blockchain businesses can I. have a show of hand please yes okay how, many of you would like to be able to, participate in some very large infrastructure projects show of hands no, matter how whatever your skill sets you, are because one of the platform's we have with this is an open tender system which I will come to in a little while what else is going on without thing okay this is the list of licenses that we. have from directly from the government it's an exclusive license that's why I. say there's no other crypto exchanges. like this in the world there's a lot of, exchanges that are that have past. regulatory approval this is something else so what we have is a license for, doing blockchain and cryptocurrency we have a banking license as well for import and export and all of this will, make sense when I show you the next slides we've also got the ability to do civil engineering in terms of building. roads houses etc as you're seeing this is way more than just one company can. handle which is why I was asking how, many of you have businesses even if. you're not in the blockchain space if. you've got construction or engineering, or whatever the kind of skills or friends who have this is a brilliant, project to bring make them aware off by, the way we've got some very nice ladies. walking around with QR code things if, you want some air drops please scan the, QR code or come to our booth we also. have a breakout session today at 2 p.m.. we've also got in that we've also got. the ability to do renewable energy as. well and also all the raw materials include that are going to be used in the. projects will be on the blockchain as, well as being able to do hotels casinos and lotteries and so on so as you see, it's a very very broad license and it's directly from the Prime Minister's, Office as well as the Ministry of Trade. and so on so where we are right now we've already got the licenses done, we've got the software done where we're, at this point here what's going to happen that we've already got the foundation set up which is going to be, the custodian for all of the tokens and, the this is where I mentioned a, consultancy side for those of you who, want to participate in some of the. infrastructure projects including projects related to the one belt one. Road that is going to be part of this so, as you see this is a very very big and long term platform and all of the the. tendering processes will go through the. exchange as I say one belt one road, who's heard of the one belt one Road. initiative show hands please yep a few, people, okay great what it is is a project by China to essentially provide an easy access for all their goods and services to the worldwide market right now it is, possible to move your goods from Beijing or anywhere in China to love them by, train in only 18 days that is one of the. initiatives under the one belt one Road and there's at least 70 countries. involved so there's no whether we like. it or not China is the newest economic superpower in the for the next foreseeable few decades so being able to. take advantage of how they are going to, put in money into so many economies including Malaysia what happens with the,
ERL let's work that remains to be seen. that's another story but still it's the. huge amount of investment is going on. what's also going on is that we're going, to be literally creating a blockchain nation because the entire. the government will go on the blockchain. let's see there we go so for the, exchange itself what we're looking at is basically getting a lot of businesses on, board as well it's going to have also the ability for customers to you know. regular consumers to decrypt at the crypto at first and later on crypto to, fear but like I said we also have a banking system license, there's not many exchanges that do we. will be able to have ATMs in Timor Leste. where you can withdraw cash as well as, buy crypto as I said the entire, government so if you're going in to do an import business you have to talk to, the Ministry of tre you have to talk to all the other different ministries all, of that will be on an integrated unified. infrastructure so bureaucracy largely, disappears ease of access as well okay. this is a slide I'm going to get you the, what's driving the liquidity on the exchange because a lot of time soon I talked about this people say oh yeah how. you gonna get liquidity this is where, the liquidity comes from because of the. open tender system any tenders that the. government has in terms of whether it's, building a robe whether it's putting up telecoms towers whether it's providing hospitals whether it's caring for, veterans whether it's doing any other of, those infrastructure projects which all, go into the open tender system as well, as all of the commodity platform, provides the natural resources are going, to be used in that tender system the. underlying mechanism for transfer is the, exchange is the impact exchange so that's where our liquidity problem is really not an issue on top of that all the other government related projects, will go on here so that's the background and the backbone of the project what the. impact foundation will do is look after all of these different categories, including the war veterans anybody over, the age of 25 in timor-leste has in some. form been involved in a war I've been in, Malaysia one close to 25 years and. unfortunately for. for our side of things we've tended to, foot company the veterans who were fighting in the wars in the 60s so a lot. of countries have these sorts of issues now what's going on with this we think, of a lot of the funds coming in they're. coming in from foreign aid right that seems to be a very third-world kind of, thing I'm originally from Mexico from, Latin America I know I don't look like, it if you're gonna have to solve your, racial stereotypes on your own but I am, Mexican okay so what most people don't, realize developed world countries are also having the same issue how many of. you know that 45% of people in the US. are either directly employed by the, federal government or indirectly employed by the federal government the, UK has exactly the same issue so what's happening around the world is that, there's a lot of people who are directly, dependent on essentially tax-free grants, or donations of whatever term is used in, each country and the same is true here. the problem with a lot of countries, especially in the third world Africa. Latin America and also in Asia, it doesn't necessarily get to the final, recipients and that's where the, blockchain part is going to solve that,
that's what the digital identity. component comes in so just to remind if. you want to know more about us our booth, is outside in the next room and we have a breakout session later on this, afternoon so that's the basically the, big picture of what the a crypto, exchange is about as I mentioned we're. also going to be involved with a one, belt one Road so there's going to be a. huge amount of projects coming into the, exchange this is a b2b exchange predominantly it also will service you know regular crypto exchanges as well so, that's that's why I see us as being. massively different from any of the other exchanges out there so if you want, to come and talk about that you disagree you want to have a discussion, talk to us at the booth or come to the. one the breakout session so I mentioned, those earlier we've got the in that, consultancy side of things so for those of you who want to participate you've, got such great ideas you've got skills. you want one of the other aspects of, what we want to do is we want to train, up the population not only in people. Estevan all throughout Southeast Asia in, blockchain technology and we can't do, that alone so we need experts like. yourselves to come in and take part on. that project this is one of the main targets of this visits I'm going to, segue a little bit here is about like. five minutes or so I personally feel and. people like Jim Rogers agrees with this the former chairman as former head of. the UN Kofi Annan has made similar, statements we're going into a period of change in the world where things like AI. automation is going to create massive. disruption in jobs from my point of view, we are going into a level of change similar to what we had at the beginning. of the Industrial Age when we went from. farming to factories this is where we, are today so the middle class is largely, getting transitioned out to the to a large extent the regular jobs like. doctors engineers etc those are all going to disappear too a lot not, completely but enough so how many of you. when you were kids did your parents say, Oh become a lawyer become a doctor show of hands. not a good idea not anymore so biggest blockchain and AI and all of, these other technologies along with the. Internet is changing the world as we are. living in already so that's where this is a great opportunity to provide your, expertise to not only be molester and if, we can use that as a center of excellence to spread technology of, blockchain throughout Southeast Asia. that's absolutely the goal now longer, term where we're going to go is we can replicate this model with any other, developing nation but right now we have, got a fantastic start in timor-leste and that's what we're, going to take this and make sure that this works exactly as we planned so as I. say you want to come and visit us at our, booth or come to the breakout session at, 2:00 p.m. and like everybody else here there's. lots of airdrops so you find nice ladies. with the QR codes and please do scan the, QR code okay I promise I would finish a little early because we run quite late overall thank you very much for your, attention. and hope to see you soon thank you a lot. of atrocities that happen in a week. please be seated, ,