Cambly English Conversation #5 with lovely tutor from USA | Adrija Biswas

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Hello hello can you hear me what is your name  going to hear me i can hear you yeah what is   your name my name is adriesa nice to meet you  hi geeja very nice to meet you too and are you   well i'm 14 years old 14 years old my son is 14.  i see and why do you want to practice your english   well i love to i love to converse with people , so i want to practice with people from different   parts of the world so i have joined this app . gambling very nice and where do you live right now   i live in india currently i live in . india from birth i'm living in india now i don't know india very well but . what part of india do you live in   i live in the east part of india  yeah so do you know kolkata   i've heard of calcutta i have never visited india  though yeah so that is where i live very nice   how is the weather right now it's a little bit . cold i'd say um not so much well i'm just wearing   a small uh jumper right now so it's a little bit , cold so in england you would call it a jumper uh did you turn your camera off oh okay , um in england uh they would call it a   jumper yeah in america we might . call it a sweater sweater yeah   but i think what you are wearing  right now would be called a sweatshirt or even a hoodie so this is what we would probably say and i will   show you an example of the , different words so sweater it's this material yeah okay , sweatshirt is like what i'm wearing now   and then you have a hoodie yeah very nice so it . is not too cold yeah it's not very good very good   and you go to school well uh our classes are  still online go our classes online yeah so to form   tomorrow i have my exams well so i was practicing , i see so you have english exams yeah yeah um and   so is this the case all over india all over india . it's still online yes um well uh some schools   have started offline but it's from class nine from . standard nine and i am in standard eight right now   is online yeah so high school i suppose is in  person yeah and the lower grades are still online   so was there ever a time in the past two or two  and a half years when you went back in person   yeah have you been online for two two and a  half years yeah yeah yeah wow wow so what do   you think about that oh well at first it was  really cool like we were all we were all doing   the classes in our mobile phones and computers  yeah right now well we have gotten used to it   yeah so you're used to it it's a bit boring i . would say but yeah we have guardians good yeah i   i know my 14 year old found it really difficult to . pay attention yes um when it was online um i think   you you don't have as many opportunities to speak  you can turn off your camera and do other things   so yeah my son had a really  difficult time with online learning   so where we live offline classes have started yeah . where we live starting in um actually starting   last april almost everybody went back in person  so we have to wear masks of course and during the   summer vaccine vaccines became available for  ages 12 and up um oh yeah and then over here   is available only 18 plus so we have not got . the vaccine yet children don't have vaccines yet   no wow so you have to be 18 to get a vaccine , yeah um and do you know what vaccines you have   available in india well yeah we have two waxes . one is covet shield and the other one is kovacson   okay okay so we use two different um we use  actually about three different ones pfizer moderna   and johnson and johnson and is um last summer it  became available for ages 12 and up and now just   a couple months ago it's available for ages 5 and 

up and so i'm wondering if why why can't you use   pfizer i don't know maybe it didn't came in india . because india only uses blue axes that are those   so i don't think they came in india , that's interesting so if you could get   the vaccine today and you could go back to school , would you do it yes of course because i missed   the schools too much like it has been two years , since i have not seen it again so yeah of course   yeah and do you are you able to spend time , with your friends um when you're not learning   i do spend time with my close friends like , some of them i go to their house when you   know they have their birthdays and all so yeah i . do visit them that's good that's good do you have   your own phone no i don't no do many 14 year . olds have their own phones where you live um   not really but due to this due to this coffee . you know many of the parents have many of   their parents have bought their children phones . yeah but before i don't think when 14 years old   in 14 years old students should , get their own phone over here   yeah yeah so due to covert it's changed a little . bit so how do you communicate with your friends   well i use my mother's phone um i do the classes  through my mother's phone only so i use it   okay so you can use her phone that's nice do , you live near your friends do you have many   friends in your neighborhood yes i do have . a one one of my friends is quite near me um   like you know you just need to uh a five minutes . walk and then you will you will go to her house   um but the others are a little bit far oh okay . so are you able to walk to um your friend's house   that's five minutes away yeah i can  but i don't visit her house often   but only if um there is a special occasion and . they invite us at that time on the visit oh yeah   and with your other friends does your mom  drive you or do you take uh i don't know a   train or a bus for example no we don't need . to take a train or a bus it's not that far   uh we can only take a car or you know a scooter . bike anything um and you can drive there   so it sounds nice that sounds nice um and what , about your hobbies do you have any hobbies yes um   i love to travel but unfortunately due to this . covet it's totally i cannot travel anywhere right   now so i like to travel i also like to paint i  like to listen to music um i like to read these   are some hobbies yeah do you ever read in english , yes i read in english mostly mostly in english   what book are you reading right now well um  i just completed uh i just completed a book   uh by avatar christie um only like some , days few days ago and was this a uh a story   yes was this a story or was it a non-fiction about  something it was a it was a murder mystery story   and murder mystery that's fun yeah  very nice um and what about the future   what would you like to do do you have any ideas  uh well i'm not sure about that but yeah i   would like i would like to ask as much i know i  would like to take the stream of science and then   go wherever i mean like in medical science maybe , or maybe in microbiology and all the others but   the thing that i know is i'm going to take  science science something with science all right   and so um are you in eighth grade now yes yes and  so next year will you start at a different school   um no um after tenth i miss i may go to a  different school okay and how does it work   in india do you most people go to whatever , school is near their home or do most people   um choose from different schools yeah you can  choose there is no problem so um my school is   like one of uh half an hour drive from here 

so yeah it's a bit far but i'd not sit too far   well so you can choose from any different schools  and do you know what school you will choose   um i don't have that much of idea about all the . schools that are there my parents will only choose   about my schools in the 11th or 12th grade yeah oh , i see and will your friends do you think will you   all go to the same school or do you think you will , go to different schools well um that is a question   because um we don't know what their parents are  going to do so we'll tenth we're going to stay   in this same the same school but after that maybe , they will go to some different schools do you have   any brothers or sisters no i'm a single child , i'm an only child we say yeah i'm an only child i'm an only child and are you happy with this , or do you wish that maybe you had had a brother   or a sister oh well i'm i'm happy it's not that . bad but sometimes you know if you have a brother   or sister then you can talk with them you can . like quarrel with them fight with them there are   so many things to do that you might miss if you  don't have a brother or sister yeah yeah that's   true and you said you like to travel so before the . pandemic where are some places that you would i i   have went to a lot of places like out of india too , like i have been to i have been to europe you know   um like switzerland and then france and , germany belgium i have been to china   then to maldives sri lanka um and then mauritius , dubai my goodness you have traveled so much   and um you traveled with your parents just for , vacation or maybe for their job vacation wow   you're a lucky girl yeah what are your parents , jobs well both of them both of them did business   you know they have a computer center like they  teach computer to students so that is victory   all right so they teach computer skills to . students and would you ever want to be a teacher   um yeah maybe um if it is if it is on science then , of course yeah teacher that's a good idea yeah   um and would you like to maybe invent something or , study something in particular what yeah i'd like   to go to that um you know invention things like  you know to become a scientist i would love that   especially in microbiology because i really love  to read microbiology so let's see what happens   yeah exactly if i didn't know anything about . microbiology and i asked what is microbiology   what would you say microbiology is the  study of science that deals with like small   organisms like bacteria virus fungi etc and do  you think this interest was inspired by kovid yeah   was this inspired by the pandemic or were you , interested in microbiology before too before   only before when i started reading biology . i was interested in the particular part   like you know i loved reading those chapters , of microbiology more i see i see very good   do you have any pets no i don't do many , people in india keep pets at home yes they do   all of my friends have some one or two pets at . their home ah okay okay and um do more people   would you say have cats or dogs dogs dogs are  quite common here i see i see and would you like   to have a dog one day yeah of course dogs are so  cute like you know if i could only buy a puppy   puppies are like so damn cute yeah yeah i enjoy  having a dog because i like to go for walks and   i like to be outdoors so it is a reason to go . for a walk yeah to take the dog out for a walk sir tomorrow you will have exams do . you have any other plans for tomorrow   um no because i will give the exam then  i have to study for the next day's exam it will continue for like two weeks   i see all right well it was very nice to meet . you yeah it was nice to meet you too bye bye bye,

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