Cultural Mix: Samyang X Maicih! (English Friday)

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What happened to you it's hot man let's. cck it. . baby Dr an egg IND theia so usual we. can uh you still feel spicy in your. mouth spicy in my mouth so become really. by the way we haven't eat yet man yes so, you don't feel anything actually all. right make the, normal uh excuse English Friday we're going to mix a cultural mix actually but yeah always food L yeah it's always food, right now I don't know why but today is today going to be extreme extreme and, challenging and challenging because it's, really really really hot and spicy as you see in the title below this one. going to uh this episode's going to mix two competents that's really spicy spicy. really spicy so Sam already anticipated, by using tank tops buddy all right all right all. right yeah so if I'm sweating it's going to be really really smelly, smelly so you're going to mix Ramen, Ramen, myi chips what is myi chips it is it's a. chips originated from Indonesia right, yeah from Wando officially from, Indonesia chip and no other countries. have this kind of chips and it's really. really hot it's level 10 damn yes level. 10 and the other one and the other one, is samyang RA Ramen oh this one is ramen right Ramen because there there's no. this two things is popular by its, spiciness right yeah this one considered as two of the most spiciest snack in Indonesia and it's been popular for, I've challenged myself eating this only, in my chan on my channel you can watch it here maybe is the video you can see, him sweating like crazy there but it's only with this R right it's only with, this you only this right only literally. eat the ramen not with anything and you, feel spicy as hell hot as H so now we're going to challenge ourself with with combining these two things this is not going to before we combine this, things and taste how stupid is this. going to taste we're going to explain the facts about read the facts about. about this samyang Ramen first because, it is ramen so we're going to read the, facts about Ramen so it would only ramen is uh people in Rome right Romans, yeah that that's English. slippery that's good right English slippery word it would only cost about, $140 a, year to eat ramen for every meal so you can eat your meal every day with Ramen. only and it only cost $140 but you eat, ramen every day yes you're going to be. crazy man but you're going to be so rich because your food's cost is only for ramen it's low low right and you can. save your uh bills for a lot of things. that you want right and the first. instant Ramen was considered a luxury y

item so Luxy luxury item really like a car maybe I. really and ramen noodles were the first, noodles consumed in space space so the, astronauts eating T sometimes you should, eat bamei banga right in, spaceace not only ramen all Ramen you yes I'm going to read about my CH facts what is my my is this one this, one the snack fromia made from potatoes right or what cafa cafa chips okay the first one word mighty is from purse taken from purse called toet. Mai Rea which is the owner of Mai said that Mai was a purse from middle age woman who always carrying small purse. four players to start Pur are the woman. carrying purse probably is language some kind of language yes the m is the purse, or the woman carrying a purse the purse, the purse the purse the purse called Oh. I thought Mai is the woman woman who. carrying the purse that's why the logo, is woman carrying a nothing why the picture of Mai was his word called leag or Rea met middle-aged woman who is spicy chips recipe and Raa was corporate. her until he set up his own business and S it under the brand so the woman in, this logo is his part his friend his his. partner actually the woman uh can make. the cafa chips the woman is who who made originally the casappa chips but raaza makes it popular makes the chip popular, person myi has Revenue right now over, billions. rupia great because it sold everywhere and. people want to taste it and at the first, opening uh people it's really popular, actually back there right people years. ago to to the counter of the m so really crowded like that yeah R we going to, take I don't want to take it too much because yeah just this amount of ram because saw in your videos was make me crazy like that so I take on a little bit more all this more yes I thought we can clean this then and the chips it. smells good actually but I don't know how spicy it is I love to chips for you it's really spicy back there right. really really spicy it's. crazy we have prepared what to counter, the spiciness of the food ice cream so if we need really need really need help, we're going to eat this ice cream buddy, we going to open this first okay going to eat the chips War my thong I want to eat the, chips. M look at it spicy make me cuff is it, spicy yes it's not that spicy for me but. it's level 10 right not yet oh God this. is spicy starting to starting to burn my, lips not yet without this one tomorrow, is starting to burn my lips tomorrow is. our see my face is getting red you're sweating man it's just it's. just the the chips come on it it with. the okay let's go let's go one one two

two three three it's good, man it's not that spicy actually actually this is good it's not that, spicy man not. yet it's. . burning really I don't feel anything I, haven't drink yet not yet not, yet just just eat this if you, want. is that H, yes yes this is good this is really good, it's, tasty but it's. hot like a sexy girl hot but good, starting to burn my thongue yes right, starting to burn my not yet right, starting my it's, started my eyes get blurry maybe you have to, start eating the ice I I need the ice cream I can hold it. . m oh God I'm sweing like R you have to. try eating in the ice cre with this. chips I haven't drink good idea even a, pour of, water no no no I can still hold it you, eat this with the. chips don't don't do it again I can't I . can't but after you don't eat anything you feel your mother's, bur Dam every, I'm suffering, man time we. eat oh it's getting better it's getting. better it's getting better all right all. right all. right okay iy how going to how we going, to R this kind of food 9.5 9.5 9 time from time it's good it's challenging so. you recommend it it to the, I recommend it not for the weak but for the one who is strong yes you should eat. this every morning you know yes to make you feel stronger yes to build your, muscle man. muscle let's end the episode right here thank you for liking commenting and subscribing and don't forget to comment and don't forget to like comment and. subscribe uh the for to follow us thank. you for coming to the popcorn if you dare to do this too you, can you can make a video and send it to us it's time to crack this egg get the, next question right here and the answer. is here today's question is when is the time of a, clock like a whistle of the train I feel. pain if you know the answer I feel pain, comment in the comment section. stay, cracking,

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