Finally I Got My $706 Casino Withdrawal: How To Withdraw Your Roulette Winnings With Online Casinos!

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hello and welcome to all our youtube. viewers especially members from our facebook pages everyone casino and blackjackhammer21. my name is frankie and today is saturday, october 30th 2021 at 6 25 pm central american time and i'm finally back with an update concerning my money as uh most of you know i had, won some money last time and i was. waiting for it and not received it because of technical issues with the, kimberley site it was exactly a month, ago today was my last video and of. course in that video if you remember or, if you don't you can go see it i had deposited 150 on the bitstars site went. all the way to 400 and then the roof, caved in and i lost it but the good news. is in king billy i have one money so either way i came out on top if you think about it 150 on the last, of the site plus 50 on the king billy that's just hundred dollars but i came out seven hundred six dollars ahead so that's a profit of basically five. hundred and six dollars as far as an up the update is concerned with the king billy site what occurred was in the last, video if you remember i was contacting, support services i'm telling they're useless any casino support services mostly mostly useless because all they do is follow a script but they told me, to email anton from the manager from, king belly which i had already been in contact with him and so he was telling, me they were trying to find a solution for me a solution to try to send the money to me in the central american. country i'm in because there's. restrictions and also the withdrawal. options on king billy are not available, in this country that i mean as a matter of fact they're not available in a lot of countries and like net teller skrill. eco pays pay safe those type of uh, payment processors they're not available, in central america as a matter of fact. muslim available in europe they even tell you on their website and if you. remember i was waiting two weeks for him. to give me a solution i had told you guys last time that i was gonna make. file complaint with shout out to them ask gamblers really helps players like myself and others who play online and have issues with the casinos whether it's depositing withdrawal documents or whatever the case may be or maybe there was something. shady going on saved the, day for me and i thanked her for it and, what occurred was when anton was telling me that he was still he and the finance. department were still looking for a solution after two weeks i really got, tired of waiting and as soon as i filed, a complaint with ask gamblers within 24. hours the solution came up and i'm like, really and it was a simple solution if you remember i deposited in usd i'm, going to log into my account real quick. as i explained this there it is as you can see it says euro i'll explain in a. second if we go to my account let me go back here, here's my deposit of 50 right and i won 700 and six dollars. actually it's right here if you remember i tried to withdraw and it kept getting, rejected the reason it was rejected was. because. of the restrictions in the country i'm. in and so, i said well i need a solution and what he said was what we're going to do is. send it to you in europe which you can. see it was accepted but then it didn't, go through because he claimed there was. a restriction in the central american country i'm in right here when he says, our finance department's going to 17, euros i said great there you see bank transfer right he sent it uh supposedly. october 6th he said it would take seven, business days some business days went by, nothing check my bank account uh 10 12, 15 business days went by nothing around, the 20th day i believe it was i said hey. i haven't received anything he sent me a,

receipt some receipt from a bank called. migum m-i-g-o-m somewhere malta and so i. he said check with your bank you should. have it check to see if they rejected it, well my bank says we haven't seen, anything my bank here in central america has a, international transaction department, that handles all that they didn't see, anything pending nothing rejected. basically doesn't exist the money so i, went to ask went back to ask gamblers kept going with my complaints and it's always good to update with ask gamblers. if you just follow complain and don't. update them they'll close the case and i. didn't want them closing the case so i, up there and said look my i checked with. my bank as a matter of fact the receipt. that anton gave me which i gave to my bank was not a receipt that the my bank, uses to check international transaction. it's called the swift 103 document and. so until anton that's when things took. an interesting turn because i told him. if i don't get my money i'll be doing. this video what occurred was his boss, took over and i'm going to show you that right now okay here's the email that i, received from the senior vip manager at. king billy their name is vita vaccaresco. and basically they emailed me on thursday october 28th 8 48 am advising. me that hey listen the issue was, resolved 608 euros the transaction will. be processed by the payment provider. during the next three business days and. as soon as the bank accepts the. transaction i will notify you and he basically let me know if you have any, questions now that he did send me, another email after this and i'm going. to show you that. this email was sent at 9 35 a.m on the same date basically he. was introducing himself as a vip manager, at king billy saying that the sports. department informed him of my recent, withdrawal issues and the inconveniences i was facing he was personally sorry, that he was going to handle it on on his. own make sure i will get the money he went on to explain that they have over 1. million players and that they're proud, of the awards that they've won and of course he explained down here in detail. how it works and why it's difficult to, transfer money in certain countries but, the thing is he was very apologetic and. i accept his apology now guys what we're. going to do is i'm going to show you my. bank account unlike other people i show, you the real deal okay here's my central american bank account as you can see i. have it in english some of the website is, translated in english. but some is not it's still in spanish so. as you can see the dollars account and i. have here 886 027 cents. 644 and 64 cents was deposited in my, account last thursday and still there. i'm going to show it to you um go to. history historical is history and as you, can see i'm going to show it to you credit note per day on the 29th here it is this was. deposited in my account on the 28th on thursday morning after the email but of course the bank and their ledger shows it the next day here it is international now you're wondering well frankie you, had seven or six dollars coming to you, you're missing sixty one dollars and, about 36 cents well that's because my, bank charged me 32. the third party payment processor. charged me 29. so i lost about 61. due to this transaction but that's fine, i got my money i'm able to pay certain, bills with it i'm not complaining guys, what i'm going to do is use my other bank account that i used two years ago, that came within seven days no problem i wanted you to want to show you this so, you can see this is real money that came into my account it took a little while but i got it done now let's go back to. king billy all right guys i'm gonna wrap up this video by covering a couple of, things that could affect you as far as, depositing or withdrawing especially if, you're in a central american country.

like i am with restrictions in it if you. remember i deposited 50 in usd united states dollars on my king billy account. and started playing and then when i won, i wanted to withdraw seven or six. dollars which i requested in usd with. the issues of withdrawing anton the king billy manager buys me that in the future. i should deposit in euros instead of usd, i don't know how much they're going to. charge me as far as deposit but i know withdrawing the money is going to be an. issue because in the account that i showed you 706. i only received 644.64. due to transaction fees my bank charged, me 32 and i got charged 29 and changed by the, third party to send the money in that case i'm losing part of my winnings when, i do these withdrawal two years ago um, bet online the website casino website, that a lot of players use i won, four thousand dollars if you saw the. video on my blackjack hammer youtube, channel when i played blackjack i only. would do 1200 but i received that money. in another bank totally different bank. that i had when i first came here and. they arrived in certain business days. and they didn't charge me they didn't, take so much money either i'm going to, open up another account at that bank because the original one i had was. closed about six months ago due to an activity because the one i showed you is, the main one i use bottom line is i'm, going to open up that account again and, i'll i'll let you know what happened because when i win i'm going to use that. account to try to withdraw and get my, money i'll give you an update on that. now again as i stated net teller skrill. pay safe card and eco pays they're not. available in most central american, countries and my message to king billy you know you gotta expand your net and, allow people to use other means of withdrawing there's other applications out there that in a restricted country like i'm in they're allowed to do, business neteller used to be here but they left two years ago most of these, companies that you see here don't even do business in the us most of them do, business with european country so if i'm in spain germany or whatever yeah i can, use this but i'm not in the european, country so my plea to king billy i like. playing on your site because it's very easy to do as far as turning in your, documents and they don't give you a lot. of hassle like other online casinos do, king billy you gotta expand your net so, guys um i got my money yes i lost some of it and bank fees it is what it is at, least i got my money i'm going to. deposit about a hundred dollars in my. kingbilly account and then we're going, to start freshening you again you know try to win something every single day, once i get to 6 700 i'm going to try to attempt to. win 60 70 more to cover any bank fees in the future but again i'm going to open, up that bank account and try it there. first i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you got some good information out, of it i'm happy i got my money i'm ready to play again ready to get back into the. game in the next video i will be playing live roulette for those of you who are. waiting for the blackjack video i promise you i will be doing those very, soon but with all this chaos and all, these issues trying to get my money i. mean it really is frustrating one more. thing that's why i didn't want to play, anymore until i got my money the last. video i did again was 30 days ago and i, didn't want to keep playing and all of a, sudden i start winning and i still have. the withdrawal issues i want to make. sure i got my money but now that i know, how i can get my money i'm going to make, a deposit and start playing live. roulette and start session one all over. again from the very beginning and. hopefully we can make some money every, day and cash out i hope you all have a good evening and i'll see you in the, next video, . you

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