Hi my name is Josh and I'm part of Google's policy education. efforts. My role is to help you better understand, our advertising policies, and also share the challenges you face with our internal teams. In this video I'll explain and provide some examples of the Gambling and Games Policy which is part of our Restricted Content. ads policies. If you want to learn more about the, Restricted Content ads policies, check out the video linked in the description box below. Please also make sure to review the full gambling and games policy and the Help Center article linked below. Online advertising can be a powerful way to reach customers. But in certain sensitive content areas we, also work hard to avoid showing these ads when and where they might be inappropriate. For example, countries or regions with laws that prohibit showing such ads. We support responsible gambling advertising, and abide by local gambling laws and. industry standards. This means that we don't allow. gambling-related advertising in certain geographical markets and only certain types of gambling- related ads are permitted. Let's jump into some specifics. Gambling-related ads are allowed if they meet the following requirements. First, advertisers must only target. approved countries or states. A list of these countries and states is linked in the description box below. Second, your landing page must include responsible gambling information that is required by your target market. For example, information about gambling addiction, or underage gambling. And the ads must never target minors. Gambling advertisers may also require a certification based on the type of content they're. serving. So let's go over some examples of.
gambling related ads and how to avoid policy violations. First is offline gambling. This refers to any promotion of physical, real money gambling establishments where gambling is likely to take place. Offline gambling is permitted without a certification as long as your target market allows for gambling in a physical. location such as a physical casino in Las Vegas. Second is, online gambling, which refers to the promotion of online, real money gambling, or sites that contain or link to content relating to online gambling where money is wagered in. Online gambling ads are permitted if all of the previously listed conditions, are met. Examples of this would be online casinos, virtual bingo games, or slot machine apps, as well as online tutorials or educational, material on improving your game. With online gambling you are only allowed to advertise in approved countries or states for online gambling. And you must be certified for each country or state in which you want to advertise. Make sure to review the list of allowed. countries or states, and complete the online gambling, certification application linked in the description. Another example of games that are, allowed but with restrictions are online. non-casino games. This refers to online games like fantasy, sports or online chess, where money or other items of value are. paid or wagered in exchange for the chance to win real, money or prizes. However there may be further restrictions on the types of games you can advertise, depending on which countries or states. your campaign's target. Check for these gambling-specific country and state restrictions using the. link below. Lastly, are social casino games, which. refer to online simulated gambling games where there is no opportunity to win anything of value like money or prizes. An example would be an online poker game where users can pay to play or unlock. features in the game but no final prize money is. awarded. To be classified under this category rather than online gambling, make sure you don't promote these games with any real financial incentive or prize
as the outcome. Social casino games also require a Google certification. This application can be found in the, description below. As a quick reminder, when advertising for. gambling and games, remember to always check the local regulations for the areas you want to target, and only target approved markets. Determine if a certification is required. Don't target users who are under the legal age to gamble in the market you're serving. And include responsible gambling information on your landing page. Remember, these are just some examples of the Gambling and Games Policy. So be sure to review the entire. policy article linked below to be fully compliant. Google ads enables businesses of, all sizes from around the world to promote a wide variety of products, services, apps,. and sites on Google and across our network. We want to help you reach existing and potential customers and audiences. When serving ads on Google, you're required to adhere to its policies. Many of these content areas are highly regulated to protect consumers and Google plays a role to ensure users connect with trustworthy parties. As an advertiser you can check for a. policy violation, in the policy manager of your Google ads account. For more information on how to navigate the policy manager or appeal a decision, check out the video linked below. As a user if you encounter a potential policy violation and would like to bring it to our attention, please report it using the form also linked in the description below. I hope this video helps you better, understand our Gambling and Games Policy. Keep watching this playlist to learn more about our other advertising policies. And don't forget to subscribe to our, channel for upcoming videos. Thanks for watching.