Online casinos cheat very often, and especially in roulette it may appear as being. live and with life dealers but the truth is that the casino can influence the outcome we are now in the production of a, special video there we show with a footage with live footage. exactly what's happening with online roulette. and you you will be amazed you will be shocked by the strange behavior of the. ball of the spin all sorts of oddities that are happening in order for the.
player to lose here we spin so i need i need red. all time right you can watch many more cases of strange roulette events in an exclusive upcoming video. subscribe now remember we have been burnt by online casinos, just like you we don't trust them and neither should you. that's why we do our homework and are very careful and thorough in our research for a list of select few fair and honest casinos see the video description or visit hey just a quick announcement we are. looking for collaborators who can create any type of roulette videos. if you can present roulette strategies or have roulette videos from real. casinos or if you can screen capture your. sessions in online roulette games send us an email thank you very much for, watching feel free to watch our other videos with very smart and effective roulette strategies