To better understand the Maga desperation here . on the East Coast there have always been third generation propagates who squander their family . fortune these are the grandchildren of wealthy industrialists who grew up surrounded by abundance . but not their own it was Grandpa's and he paid for their lavish homes educations and vacations and these third generation wails were born with a sense of entitlement many of them went off to good . schools and because they didn't know the meaning of hard work instead of getting a good education , at these excellent schools they joined the right eating clubs the right fraternities they hired . people to take their tests and write their papers and convinced themselves of their own superiority based on the wealth they were born into as opposed to the Future wealth they otherwise would have , to earn because these wails squandered their education they are left with no choice but to come out of these schools convinced it's who not what you know they gravitate to other nonserious , members of their economic class who because they too are third generation wasts proceed to squander . whatever fortune and opportunity that has been queed to them soon the money disappears as the , marriages fail child support taxes gambling debts and back alimony go unpaid while they American , Express cards and line of credit are completely maxed out but they still consider themselves upper class they identify as upper upper class how couldn't they they see themselves as upper class , but they lack the one thing that allows them to be upper class and that is money so they medicate . their denial with drugs and alcohol and of course blind rage great way to self-medicate Blind rage , while their debt mounts and because they went to the finest schools and were raised in op ulence they couldn't possibly lower themselves to get a job beneath their perceived and self deceptive
status they still think certain types of jobs are beneath them they were born emotionally stunted and now they're financially stunted and it doesn't end well for these broken people and in many ways that's exactly who these magga voters are they weren't born into a wealthy family usually but by virtue of being born white they consider themselves to the manner born some of them might have a sense of entitlement that stems from that one year when they earned six figures and thought , well that's who I am I'm the guy who earns six figures in one year even though it's been several . years since that one year that I earned the six figures and of course I forgot to pay taxes on those six figures doesn't matter they're still convinced that they're the guy who earns six . figures a year even though it happened once a long long time ago they have the sense that a , six figure salary is now owed to them and they meanwhile complain about the social safety net how they don't want to pay taxes which they don't they don't want to pay taxes because people of color and the migrants want handouts at the same time these Maga Republicans are whining because everything isn't getting handed to them where's my six-figure job that I had 10 years ago go these , are the people who feel they are owed a living mager this is where the rage comes from they're . the ones who feel their owed a living they claim they're all about personal responsibility but only . when it comes to others when a MAG of Voters life heads South it's never their fault it's the fault of the the diversity hire who took their job the magga voter is identical to that third generation , wasil I was just talking about but instead of their sense of entitlement flowing from being born . into wealth their entitlement basically stems from being white and male and when they discover being white and male no longer cuts it that nobody's interested in paying them what they think they're
worth and even worse dating them nobody wants to date them because they're zeros and because they . lack emotional and intellectual resources to do anything to fix their financial emotional and sexual predicament these Maga Republicans look for a leader like Donald Trump to tell them it's not you it's them and then them can be anyone usually there's a flavor of the day them can be . anyone just so long as it's never a magga voter voting for Trump is a counterfeit Absolution , of personal responsibility cloaked in personal responsibility it should come as no surprise that , Trump loved owning casinos because it's literally taking money from idiots Trump voters are the same people who walk into a Trump casino convinced it's the height of taste and Sublime Elegance they , walk into a Trump casino because they've been tricked into calling gambling gaming it's not , gambling I'm gaming they have no idea the odds are stacked against them instead they're brainwash . into believing gambling is all about personal responsibility and betting smart when in fact there's no such thing as a smart bet the casino always wins but they don't know that magga voters are every chain smoking cab driver who picks me up and takes me to the airport in Las Vegas and when we start talking he insists he's a professional Gambler and the only reason he's driving a cab is to get out of the house sure there are very few professional gamblers I know with poker you can . be a professional Gambler the amazing thing is the casino always wins and yet the genius Donald Trump has owned what 15 casinos and they all went Belly Up it's time right now for the , David F show so get your ears