I'm very colorful Okay so we've made it on to Dragon link you guys I want to I, want to tell you a, secret we're in my. basement good looking basement too it is, dead quiet in here it is and I'm loving it so we just got these put in the. basement uh a few days ago yeah last. week actually those all went in last week chandeliers the camera systems the. everything that was pretty cool we got. some pinball if you guys want to come over we got TVs if you guys want to. watch the game yeah basement playing, cuz you know there's going to be that, one person in the audience and be like it is so quiet in there I love that it's. nice and quiet I want to fill you guys. in on a little fun fact of why I like it, nice and quiet YouTube has this thing on. there it's called copyright and anytime, there's a song blaring in the background, whoever is blaring that song like, whatever artist it is that's their song they own the copyright to it so I can't, like have that playing in my video so it comes up as copyright so a lot of times you'll hear the videos go in and. out with sound that's because there's somebody's music playing in the. background so I always like when it's. nice and, quiet it's so good then you can hear the, game music you can hear us better one, more pot so close so happy and prosperous re chasing that $1, million we would love to win a major, jackpot of 30 that would be incredible we're looking for six Fireballs here, million would be even better oh yeah I. said the million would be the best six Fireballs are three pots that's, what we're going for three. more you. meanie. 30 okay right here do we have the wrong denominator, what are you thinking if this isn't the, right one what's the $2 denam okay now, the mini is at 2,000 the minor went to, 10,000 that would be the one let's do a $50 spin nudged in the right direction look at that 30 koser dogs that should. have been way more than 30 should have. at least been the BET, back get it right here. oo Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha rocking, everywhere there it is 44. oh we just building up this game has a. lot of action oh you have some good jokes I. love, it right here ooh return to game hit the maximum, choosing of the Dragon get it we did not, cuz it it says in the background if you get it we did not get it we did not get, it okay pep up lady of the luck she said she's feeling BL I'm feeling like I need to. like do my hair and like refresh the makeup that's what I'm feeling but I would be totally great if we win the 1.1 right now there you go then I wouldn't even bother with the makeup that fixes. all the way you set this up is freaking, hysterical you go away all right oh was, almost a first spin, magic I mean first spin after entering. in several times, 15th spin match yeah right here biggest jackpot ever o, $50 spin that's going to be the lucky lucky didn't you win the maxed out yeah, on a $50 spin yes I, did and it was like with free play too. oh you and look at that on the oops on the 50 wow wow where were your buddies that was, like the little luck that we needed come, on two more, 100 we got the coins though okay we got, the back, back that was close 150 it's going to happen it's all. happening it's all happening right here 150 again, oh return to game maximum choose that. Dragon we're getting it we didn't get. not get, it this game hates us I don't think this, is the one for us this is not the one, moving on moving on yeah moving on I'm, sitting here guys with the golden toad, herself I am the golden toad I'm golden, I'm definitely not a toad but but I'll, roll with it he's looking cute I don't, know what this game is I don't know how, this game plays however I feel lucky on. it because this guy's got a CO in his amount looks cute go put in $11,000 right here we're going to do maximum bet. so that's $25 a spin just hit Max BET, right 50 a spin oh 50 that's 10 10 credits oh oh okay 50 is. SP and I won nothing okay you need the, numbers in the middle that's what we're. looking for yes I think when you get the zero a single real it. respins if I remember it. correctly right now we're going to get it oh yes oh oh I do remember, this so what did we win 100 bucks 20 credits oh oh I see how that works oh oh. wow oh my God hell yeah let's do.
it what do we win wow FR you almost had I think it's you almost had, 8,200, credits oh that would have been a, massive jackpot let's do that again my lucky. toad my lucky toad it's. happening so now it's re 10 10 in the first. one so we won nothing you won nothing oh I see how that, works fre, SP get it. 10 so close so 108 10800 10,800 is the, . maximum ah interesting, game oo, oo o and we got it in the Frog's mouth, what does that. mean okay 50 maybe that's the bonus game. I don't know. it's a lot of activity on this game for, three little lines get, it very interactive game I'll get them that oh. hey got it in the Toad's mouth again oh. he's. smiling oh he's getting even bigger, stop that come on my toad my lucky, toad double. zeros, oh almost wow that been. 15500. credits. Zer same thing as last time. , okay okay 50. we need this thing cuz I think that, gives some sort of bonus that's how you get it that is how you get the bonus cuz it says something up there up to 9x multiplier possible with that thing yeah. we got to get, that this is the weirdest game I've ever, . played o. frein 10 in the. first oh my God 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 what ises that what does that mean a dou, I'll reaching again come on 10 10 10, 10 . no oh my God that was that was that was. , ruthless this game I have been nuts it's going to. happen tell me I was been feeling this. game, come. on got it right there come on keep going, 10 okay let's try this. again I I want to see what this bonus, does like I'm so curious about it I me it's a bonus I think it's a multiplier, oh. really nothing it's a multiplier it's. say up to 9x multiplier possible with that. , thing wow 440 that's a great. hit that didn't go up there okay fine I got that's actually a pretty fun. game yeah for it being a one line I'm, shocked let's go Z okay 75 keep it going, it's giving us so much. excitement keep going keep going 75. again that should have been. . more respin it goes I know I love it 10, in the. first we got 10 there's at 10, . what if we, try what is that that's 100 to spin now, okay fine come on believe I, do believe Freddy I believe I believe. 108,000. coming so. close got the double zeros come on oh my God 10 10 but we get another spin we get, another chance come on let's go 10 10 10, 10 10 10 10 oh my. God that have been 20 grand, there go baby right . here right, here what golden toad well that was mean. right of course last spin, magic down in the, . first yeah all right that gave us two more. spins it wants us around last spin magic. oh you want to keep playing on this one. do you feel it I do kind of feel it yeah. let's let's let's put in another thousand let's do. it we are back all right we're back we. golden toad against the golden toad added in 1,000 more we're going to we're going to get it we're going to get the. 10 a zero and a zero or the 10 eight and, the double zeros be pretty good too you ready maximum but let's do, , it that what we.
want golden toad. , thank God we got that, one interesting come on Fry come on Fry the lucky golden toad is going to come. through together one two, , 3 oh awesome but does it respin here how, much is. that th I don't think it does it doesn't. respin Okay it should I feel like it should too I 100 100% felt like it should, have it should have been, more now respin I love that little how that screen load 10 and then double zeros okay . 200 golden toad. the Golden Pigeon it's a toad it's definitely a, toad oh, my really a new methodology though too that. I'm going to I'm going to help us with. watch this oh old school lever that's. the key to win, here okay it's a key to something, eight 10, that been good that 10, . grand time, three 300 that's what that, does okay rein how is that a respin I like it, 10 wow that's lucky, , okay I didn't know eight was a respin though I think only in the middle, because that's the the max possible is the 108 okay this is a very interesting , game oh come on give us something crazy multiplier my little little frog so this is going to be a spin oh no, because you got that got it 88, , wow ribbit ribbit I hear you. Ribbit do you want to take it to 25 that'd be 250 a spin oh my God only if. you want that's so much I, stand only if you're feeling it, . yep. Oh that's so, much I feel like you're about to do. something crazy right now frany come on the lucky golden luck Oh Oh I thought. you were just grabbing my butt it's my, butt oh do. it okay all right we got double zero eight in the middle 10 10 oh. that was such a. l okay Zer double Zer okay got it got it double. zeros oh golden. toad the golden the lucky golden toad right here wow this is so much oh I feel. like that should be a respin, GRE come on come on double. zero okay 35, wow no come on Fry something crazy, maximum or do we take it to here what is that 500 a pull oh my God we have 1,000 left it'd be two pushes two, pushes that's two pushes it's two or not or or. or not or something, incredible all right doing something crazy a $500 spin on a golden toad game where I could win $540,000 cuz that's. that's what we could win on this I only have $1,000 in this oh my god let's go. two pushes it's not going to be two. pushes it's going to be it's going to be it's going to be one push right here the, biggest jackpot ever. oh come. on come. on that was a heart break wow well we tried it was a good try we, have 80 bucks. left you just did one credit, , though I bet all of them I. okay oh we're back in the game put that card back in we are back in the game are. welcome welcome valued Shopper look at that hack in the, game for all the marbles all the marbles. right. here it needs your touch it did not like mine no the marbles were gone oh the. marbles are gone look at oh all right cashing out we are cashing. out our $5 $10 what is it what are we. cashing up not much 10, bucks that was such a let down that. golden toad was so much fun but he did, not like me oh my goodness if you like. this game you got to put a frog Emoji. below because I need to see if you guys, want me to play this one again share, with a friend I'll catch youall in the, next one bye I hope you all enjoyed. today's video and I really appreciate you watching it make sure to leave me a. comment smash that thumbs up and I'll. catch you in the next one until then have a great great evening bye everyone