I Used Arbitrage Betting Strategy for 30 Days – Results & Explanation

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Arbitrage betting allows anyone to make risk-free , profits from sports betting which is why I've   documented 30 days worth of results for this , particular video it's successful because it   uses the same logic as huge wealthy National , companies like bet365. now you won't make   billions like Bet365 do but with the Premier  League and multiple sporting events on daily   it's quite possible to make a consistent side  income especially when you know where to look   starting on day one I fired up Excel to keep . track of my results I'll reveal the betting   strategy how it works and where to find the . bets that offer us a risk-free profit by the   end of this particular video but first  I need to explain why this works so well   Arbitrage betting is a very simple concept that . requires us to bet on every possible outcome of   a sporting event it ensures a profit regardless , of the result because unlike traditional betting   we're not leaving the result to chance sound good , don't forget to smash the like button down below   Sports books like bet365 ensure profit without  predicting an event's outcome and they do this   by applying a margin to each betting line for  example this Premier League match between Aston   Villa and Crystal Palace has three potential  outcomes villawin Crystal Palace win or it's   a draw the combined outcomes hold 100 probability , of happening each individual outcome differs hence   their varied prices if Villa has a 53 chance of  winning Crystal Palace has a 25 chance and the   draw holds a 28 probability then the combined odds . reflect this 100 probability the odds provided by   a Sportsbook correlate directly with an outcomes , expected probability however sportsbooks are   businesses aiming to make a profit therefore the . odds they present include a profit margin which is   why the prices in that example are a bit smaller , than their true chances now most of the time this   reduction leads to betting odds at a negative , expected value to be clear if an outcome has   less value than its expected probability this is  a negative expected value for instance consider a   coin flip with a 50 chance for heads and another  50 for Tails Fair odds should provide an equal   payout anything below that equal payout is .

a negative expected value while anything   above is positive continually betting a negative , expected values results in a loss yeah Arbitrage   betting does the total opposite as you can see . from day Seven's results here on the screen   now you'll notice the profit per bet isn't . that high and that's absolutely fine Arbitrage   is supposed to be like that it's all about . consistently racking up results without any losses   although problems do happen but we'll come to that  more in just a moment the point is this strategy   is about smart betting not predicting the future , so how does arbitrage betting strategy work and   why is it guaranteed to beat the house the goal of . Arbitrage betting is to compare different betting   odds and only bet when it's a no lose situation . now it's important to say there's nothing wrong   with doing this and it's not cheating in any way . it's just plain smart soft bookmakers don't like   Arbitrage betting because they know that they'll , lose it's more profitable and far easier for them   to Target recreational gamblers however betting , exchanges and sharp betting Brands like Bet in   Asia welcome winners so they're the best option  for our bit plus their business model means that   typically they have the best prices so by pitting  odds against each other we can secure a position   with a positive return just like this here on the , screen to the left of my screen bet in Asia have   priced both teams to score at 1.756 whereas both . teams not to score are priced at 2.021 however if   you look at the right of the screen Bet365 have , a different view they've priced both teams to   score of four to seven which is 1.57 in decimal . odds and both teams not to score at six to four   which is 2.5 by adjusting our betting stakes and . betting on all outcomes at different prices we're   able to secure no risk profits just like this , a bet of 11748 on both teams to score at 1.756   with bet in Asia gives us a potential return of , 206.30 by simultaneously placing a bet of 8252   on both teams not to score with Bet365 the 2.5 , we're also given a potential payout of 206 uh   the total Stakes for both of the bets is just 200. . so regardless of the result once our Stakes have   been deducted we make a profit of 6 30. now there  are lots of free Arbitrage betting calculators   online that make the numbers simple the really .

good stuff comes from knowing exactly where to   find good quality consistent Arbitrage betting  opportunities so results can really build up   two-thirds of the way into this test illustrates  that quite well the more time and effort spent in   finding the best odds matches means the bigger , the results so where are the best Arbitrage   betting opportunities each day now regardless of  your betting strategy opportunity and value in   betting odds and nearly always in the same places . out on the extremities away from the most popular   bet types and events much like the previous  example betting markets like both teams to score   unders overs and Asian handicaps are always best . additionally foreign leagues like the Danish cup   often yield the biggest Arbitrage opportunities , but there are potential problems open Arbitrage   bets don't often last for too long now it's a . double-edged issue as it can work in your favor   too particularly on the countdown to the start of , a match but ought to move fast so if you time it   wrong and odds change you might need to adjust , your counter bets stake now bet in Asia's black   platform is good for this because you can choose . your odds and set a timer on the bets in advance   additionally a lot of soft book makers like Bet365  will limit and restricted stakes if you're not   losing money to them having multiple accounts and . using shop Brands like bet in Asia they give you   access to multiple sharp lines are the easiest way  to get around this they don't pingilize winners   just like betting exchanges so it's a simple way  of getting your arbs on now sourcing Arbitrage   bets can be done manually or via softwares like , Rebel betting to speed things up so after 30   days there were a total of 94 Arbitrage bets the . daily averages were quite low although they were   extremely consistent as you may expect the total  outcome was 967.82 for the month although it would   have been possible without an unrestricted sharp , Sportsbook like bet in Asia so see this video   for a full review of the platform here in the end , screen thanks for watching I'll see you next time

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