So while Kyle and I have been working over the past five months we noticed a number of heritage and cultural sites. that were open for the public to visit. these were all run by the opw which is. the Office of Public Works here in Ireland and the opw is responsible for maintaining and restoring and the upkeep. of the majority of Irish heritage sites. or like monuments listed buildings and. this sort of thing and so one such place that you visited was Pretender Castle at, the end of the time anyway I'll link the, video below it was a beautiful castle. and a really nice town so the more places we visited and the more places we. saw the more interested we became and all these opw sites and these listed buildings and we learned that there are. over 700 sites run by the OPW but there, are 45 or so in particular that are, really interesting and can be accessed with a heritage card so while we're taking the winter off for my foot to. heel and for the bad winter weather to pass us by we're going to do a heritage carriage series and so we're going to, visit as many of these places as we can, over the next few months and make videos. about them and kind of highlight the, amazing science and heritage that we, have around this country so in,
preparation for this heritage card series we actually have gone and visited one or two extra sites where we bought a. heritage card we've already visited Kerr castle and boy lobby and which are both really well preserved and amazingly, restored and places Kerr castle is in, care which is a castle and Bobby is in, Boyle and it's an abbey imagine that so, we are in care and behind me is Kerr, castle we actually walked through here for the Shivering heritage way a heavy wooden door with a steel grill outside. this is care castle so it was built or, was begun in about 1142 and but you know it wasn't really a castle until about. the 1300s so we are in boyle abbey and I actually, live around Boyle so we decided to go in. and check out the Hobby and it's one of. the best surviving situation while the, church is one of the best surviving. sister churches the abbey itself is a. little bit mangled but in general is to. really well preserved and Monastery in Ireland and back when King Henry the eighth of England was king he decided. that he was his own religion and then. went around and kind of destroyed a lot. of Abby's which we've seen before and. previously in on the temporary heritage,
ray we passed two Abbey's there they had, been henry the eighth defied reforms, reforms yes reformed. so this section of the Abbey and when it, became a castle all of the options were, were filled in and when they only, removed the stonework they notice that the artists themselves or had a question stable so they labeled every single, block with the letter and a number, dismantled the ashes put in a stronger foundation and some metal supports and then rebuilt the arches exactly how and they originally were which is pretty, amazing you can still see some numbers. and letters on some of the blocks so. it's incredibly impressive restoration. project so if you like the some of that make. sure to LIKE and subscribe we put out a, new video every week and so it will be, this heritage card series some of it. might be drone footage of beautiful, places that we visit might be mini day walks that we go on it'll be a great mixture of things so please stay tuned. so this is Keira castle we're inside well obviously we're not inside the we're on the castle grounds of caer castle but within the.