“Keir Starmer Is UNTRUSTWORTHY” | Labour Accepted Over £1m From Casino Bosses

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Uh William cl's here from the sdp very good morning here William nice to see. you um we got to talk about a lot of stuff and we haven't got a lot of time, so let's kick it off shall we with K. starma he's off to Brussels today to. reset our relationship with the European Union I didn't ask him to do that no I, didn't ask him to reopen negotiations. about the single Market I didn't I didn't think that when people voted to leave the European Union they expected you know nine years later for some bloke to pitch up or eight years later I should say to pitch up and try and. unpick it all yeah well he's totally. untrustworthy on this subject as he is. on many other things but he's going to see vand delion and uh the mood music is that the EU want a a deal which gives, young people the right to live and work, anywhere in Europe they're very keen on, that and they said that when he went to Berlin because they can't get work funly. enough in any of their own countries that's right yeah that makes sense which. they're supposedly doing better than we. are but they're not really are they no not really no anyway but starma to his credit I suppose has said he's got no plans for that but that doesn't mean, anything does it m because he said that. sort of thing about everything so well. the guy's a liar right he he goes back. on rows back on everything he's ever said and does things that he says he, would would never do no well anyway so, the the summary is that the EU want it, he's saying he has no plans we'll wait. and see what happens Anything could happen on this we don't actually want this uh when we had an open labor market wages went down that's the thing we got, some very good people from the Central. Europe some very good immigrants but, it's not good in the in the long run to. have this it discourages training and it. discourages investment so I don't want. it right so and as I say I've said this. I said to gr CHS a minute ago he has no mandate for it either none at all. nobody's given him permission it wasn't in his Manifesto was it no um he didn't say that he was going to do it and he's spending a awful lot of time out of the, country as well isn't it he is yeah I I'm always suspicious of this because what we want is a government actually. does the basics we have too many people in politics that think it's about messaging or going to Taylor Swift gigs or taking expensive gifts and not enough. people that just get on and make sure, things work well I mean I was saying only yesterday that we haven't really. seen him since last Wednesday when he was at the United Nations in New York he hasn't been uh visible he didn't do any. interviews at the weekend he hasn't. spoken finally came out last night with, the press conference but he did it very very quickly about Israel which is kind. of in congruous to me because he was. talking about how we stand fully behind. Israel meanwhile his foreign secretary is refusing to give them arms which, would help them fight Iran who are, currently attacking them you know and, then he scurried off after two questions, as if he was frightened of being asked about you know trouser gate or whatever. it's called well he will he's he's absolutely on the back foot in fact the. whole government is and you know you talk about New York we had millerand and. the foreign secretary going off doing a little sort of uh it looked like a. comedy sketch it was embarrassing I know Sue gra was over there as well Sue gra, was she seems to go everywhere yeah yeah, no I mean they but that's the trouble. Mike they think politics consists in. doing these silly little videos or. saying the right thing no it just it it consistent getting freebies making, things work the quiet work M of getting, making things work build some new, nuclear power stations right well this, morning's um you know SLE report SLE, watch as we like to call it uh we telling you that k s has received a £25,000 donation from Peter coats who's from the stock-based online gambling, company bet 365 we've got Jonathan. Reynolds the business secretary accepted a £,

3,457 ticket and matched their Hospitality uh for U the England Denmark European Championship semi-final at. Wembley Lise ha the transport secretary. accepted 1,000 £400 worth of freebies, including tickets and Hospitality I'm, not sure what this is going to be like. Barnsley Sheffield that's pretty painful probably that doesn't cost 1,400 quid. does it boundle no no but there's uh I had my own pain last night off this road watching G lose to Hall City no uh they. seem addicted to freebies they do but, there's a big important point to this, the public are sick of these politicians. and parties taking bungs and Big Money, Mike off off these interest groups they've taking a million, yeah why are they doing that why because. they want the betting companies want to. influence government policy that's the only reason they would do it they're not. stupid they're not just and also the. public aren't stupid the public keeps, saying and labor keeps trying to bat It. Away by saying well Lord Ali's already got a peage why would he possibly want anything else well he clearly wants to influence policy he does does he doners. tend to want to influence policy but. things like big betting companies and. big interest groups buying off. government policy we saw this with the, Tories housing you know in the9 19. electoral commission uh um details the Tories took 10 over 10 million from the. house builders why did they do that to. influence government policy to do help, to buy do all these things not build there build over here yeah distorts, things so I i' I'd have all of this stop Mike you better stop it the public don't. want politicians taking parties taking. bungs and you know and I paid for my own suit thank you and all they've done so. far is say that they won't take any more, free clothes they haven't said they won't take any more tickets it's not no of course it's not they missed the point the big money is in the lobbying and it's the same in the EU and it's the same in Washington DC and people have. fed up with it elect people that actually have your interest well, everybody knows and anyone who can who talks about the American political system knows if you become a senator you go in with whatever money you've got you come out a multi-millionaire you know they all make a fortune look at Joe Biden you know he's a multi-millionaire, as Donald Trump said when they were standing up against each other how did he go from you know making $150,000 a year to being a multi-millionaire that, owns about five homes no it stinks I'm, fed up with it shocking I the whole of our politics Across the Western world is, actually infected with this stuff um, it's funny actually if you go back, Generations ago you did have have, politicians like you know deal in France, wouldn't accept anything nothing paid. all his own bills salar are not everyone's favorite but he acquired. nothing lived on a salary basic salary when he died there was about enough, money to buy a couple of a flat in in. Lisbon he said famously he said when I leave office I'll turn up my pockets and, there'll be nothing but dust yes and. that's you actually want leaders that, have a little bit of integrity and not, in the pocket constantly on the make, well I like that all the sort of the the, very wealthy versions of people like um, um Bloomberg Michael Bloomberg when he, was the mayor of New York he didn't take a salary he took a dollar as his salary, because he said I don't need the money. well and actually I'd prefer that than, somebody who's grubbing around for sort, of you know ten here couple of grand, there you know you tickets you know you're American politics Kennedy. uh his first um National Security. advisor uh he got to work for for a. dollar yeah for the for the country good, for the country sake absolutely yeah um, and rert um what's his face Rupert low, uh from the Reform Party one of the five, MPS in Parliament he gives his salary every month to a different charitable. organization in his constituency which I think he's brilliant Dennis skinny used to take the average wage of of the.

workers in his his consy no I'm afraid we need to bring that back we've got to. get away from people in the trough in, the it's absolutely awful I've got a. message from voice not from Kevin on. reform UK how listen to this morning, Mike Kevin in Sheffield really enjoyed your interview with Z Yousef I think he, spoke to for a lot of right-minded people in this country it is time that the Tores and labor were pushed to one side and we had a clean break somebody, new with new ideas they've done nothing, for us for years and years and years uh great show Mike keep up the good work Kevin thank you very much indeed I think that he speaks for a lot of people Kevin that people have also fed up with this. two- party system and obviously this plays to you as the sdp um how do you, how do you change that how do you get access to kind of the levers of power I. me we've seen reform get amazing results, you know 4 million votes but only five seats the liberal Democrats get less, numbers of people and 71 seats no it's it's crazy it's a crazy system and it. suits and protects the two big parties. who the problem with with the big. parties also is there's very little. between them they're govern the same ways we now got you know Chancellor same austerity in the same. sort of policies stopping investment as the as the previous government no I mean I I can feel that something is happening uh the level the cliche is that labor. are elected on a a vote that was a mile. wide and an inch deep and that's true, I've never seen a government collapse so quickly in and I think anything's possible in the next election what I. would love to see Mike what I'd love to, see I'm not sure if the greens and the. lib dams are big enough to do this what, I'd love to see is a grand coalition to change the voting system between the. greens the lib dams reform us and a few other parties that want it and I think the public could go for it yeah I think, so I mean proportional representation is. a kind of you know dirty word or two. words which comes up from time to time I. know Richard Ty is very keen on it um, but at the end of the day nobody's. really going to go for it are they, because whenever anybody gets elected government I mean starma said he liked. it but he do said of word about, and the labor party actually liked it they actually uh backed it at a conference motion two years ago but then, they win power and suddenly they go off it I think the public will decide this, in the end because I think it's going to, be very volatile the world's a very dangerous place happen in the Middle, East we've we have crisis after crisis after crisis public uh faith in our. politics is collapsing I think in the next election Anything could happen but. if you if if if I would call the bluff, of the people that say they want PR if. he genuinely want it join a coalition all of and get it done right good speech uh williiam thank you very much indeed just before we go and leave you there's. a picture we can show you from last night K St on the phone to Benjamin, Netanyahu while Israel was under attack. um this was shortly before the press. conference I presume he did say he'. spoken to Benjamin Netanyahu but uh it's all about K starma isn't it let's put out a picture and see how important he is that's because they think it's all about publicity yeah they don't think, it's about reality right there it is oh, that's no that's the press conference we, haven't got the picture um we'll show it, to you in a minute um but yeah I mean, it's all about sort of performative it. politics isn't it youve got a whole, listen there's a whole political class, sw1 is full of people that don't a lot of the problem Mike is they haven't had. proper jobs lot of these people have a. look at the the skill base of the, current labor government very few with. any commercial experience none of them, run anything built anything from scratch nothing they've all been hovering around, advising advisor yeah and it's it's very. poor it shows they don't know how to, operate at all shocking stuff Willam CL, taking very much indeed

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