Hmm...nah. Oh. Addie Addie what siren heads back well actually there's two siren heads back this time well actually one siren head is back and there's another one now what do you mean siren heads back we already defeated him last week I don't know how he did it. come on do you see him Addie do you see him Addie do you see him no what let me take a look I don't get it, Addie they were just out there I didn't hear anything I had my headphones on you said there were two of them yeah they were both out there do you think they sent in. the siren head reinforcements we need to come up with a plan what are these things for oh nothing, don't worry about those did you lose your brush and start using kitchen utensils again maybe it makes it harder to believe your dual siren head, story I'm quite credible siren heads are pretty big I would have seen them it's. not exactly like they can be hiding behind a tree line but that is what, they're doing where else would they hide and Plus how am I supposed to believe. there's two of them siren head travels alone what do you mean travels alone siren heads a solitary creature much like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. this is common knowledge Jillian what Addie you've gotta believe me. Jillian we've been over this before whining doesn't make your argument, stronger this is just what the siren heads want us fighting so you think they, teamed up against us this time I don't know they didn't seem happy with each. other maybe they're fighting over this territory this just all seems pretty unbelievable the siren heads are back well there they, are and a couple of big ones too should we do then Jillian first will drop these. phony accents then we'll make a plan okay first thing it's very important. that we don't panic what oh yeah I'm remaining calm okay so how did we defeat the siren head last time we'll just double that and that'll. defeat both of them we drove them off with feedback, remember your karaoke machine that's right and we have two microphones so if both of us sing we'll drive away both of them I'm not comfortable singing in, front of an audience you're literally in a school musical that's a bit uncertain. right now just take this microphone and make mouth noises when I tell you to are you sure you're ready Jillian ready, as I'm gonna be all right siren heads you're not gonna know what hit you a 1 2 3 4 (singing Siren Head song) I think we made them angry Addie they're getting closer well it's pretty unlikely,
they'll come into our house again right they're coming right towards our house this house is a fortress they wouldn't be able to come right in unless somebody left the door wide open oh no I totally left the door wide open. what and I even left a little sign out front that said siren heads welcome why, would you do that I'm just trying to be a good neighbor jeez there might still be time to close that front door come on Oh No double siren heads get out of here that sign was just a rhetorical welcome it. wasn't meant to be taken literally (siren head sounds) Jillian I don't think they're going anywhere we need another plan Alright Jillian if you have a plan I'm all ears the plan is we get those two siren heads. to leave Bravo well what's your big idea my big idea was karaoke but for some, reason that didn't work I don't know why well maybe instead of trying to fight, them you could lure them away wait what do you mean I could lure them away you. could lure them away hmm maybe we shouldn't use human bait what else do, you have lying around here that siren heads with like how about some RJ soft. eating licorice everyone likes licorice wait is this a sponsored video? no I'm just being weird for no reason, you sure you want the siren heads eating all your licorice, no but it's better than if they eat us am i right. good point let's give it a try yeah I guess we do have to give away some of, your licorice all right siren heads we have a deal for you you eat the licorice you don't eat us and you'll leave not necessarily in that order if you want to. leave first that's okay to clean them up buying it you're not supposed to sell them the licorice you're supposed to just give it to them not that kind of buying it I don't know maybe we should try singing again no. time to lose siren man they're coming right for us I managed to, save the licorice who cares about the licorice. now there's two siren heads in our room (siren head noises) what should we do now let's try hitting them with the feedback again but it didn't work before I think. that's because they were outside now that we're indoors it'll concentrate the sound waves ooh science all right Addie one two three. four wait a minute Jillian they're dancing that's not just any kind of dancing Addie
they're having a good old-fashioned dance-off why would they be having a dance-off I told you they were having a territorial dispute and what better way, to resolve it than a dance-off which one are you rooting for Burt or Liz wait you named them Burt's on my side Liz's on yours who do you thinks gonna win I think Burt is oh no Liz is totally gonna take down Burt go ooh my boy, Burt's breaking out some moves are you kidding me he stole that off Fortnite maybe but Liz has no technique look how sloppy she is whoa Go Burt, go Burt, go Burt well I think. it's pretty obvious that Liz won no Burt won Liz won. well we have to decide who won otherwise they're just never gonna leave fine. we'll just flip this like a coin this is heads this is tails call it, tails ha heads i win I mean Liz wins fine stupid coin toss dance off Siren head thing did you hear that Liz you won now you guys can. peacefully leave Burt if it's any consolation I'll let you have a piece of, licorice they're not leaving Addie hmm maybe they weren't having a dance-off, maybe they were just toying with us and they're gonna eat us anyway wait I hear, someone coming god save us from these dancing siren heads oh look it's a little baby siren head wait a minute Liz and Burt aren't enemies their parents looks like we just got in the middle of a good old-fashioned family squabble now it makes sense but wait they're still gonna eat us. aren't they a little bit of music and licorice is gonna solve all our problems. but that doesn't make any sense all our problems well I guess as long as they're dancing. they're still not eating us how about a little singing for old times sake siren, man siren man siren man So that was siren head vs. siren head if, you liked this video and you know you did be sure to click the thumbs up, button and subscribe if you didn't think one channel is enough and we have two other channels you can check out there's the Jillian and Addie main Channel and. Jillian and Addie like our vlogging Channel there are a lot of fun be sure to follow us on Instagram for new pictures videos, and stories every day we even post previews for our upcoming videos like this one thanks for watching goodbye,