Taming The Forest Titan | ARK: Extinction #48

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Hey how's it going. welcome back to some ark  extinction. we're down here in the forest   titan cave. we're gonna try to spawn it  in to see if we can't tame it as well   maybe it'll help us out on the alpha king titan  fight since we had so much problem with the beta   that way we can take in some gigas 10 or so, the , ice titan and hopefully the forest one.    shouldn't be too hard. let's go ahead, i've already , got stuff in here. let's get it spawned in and hopefully it'll be fairly easy. i'm . guessing it's going to be kind of the   same mechanic as the ice titan. i don't think i'm  going to mess with the desert one just because   it has some issues with it with , the flock and then the lightning   so i think we'll just take the two in. it , should be all right with that and the mega mek nice so he's coming in. i do got . cannon shells again i did get his dermis. so i had to kill him to get all  the stuff to spawn him and all that twice   so i didn't get a chance to get his dermis so we  should be good on that. i've got all the stuff now   or all three of them set up in the base. ah he is  gonna miss it. dude he's got us rooted, come on man well. these should disappear , pretty quick. there we go so the last time that i fought him to get the , trophy i kind of tested it out a little bit and i   had to kill him anyway so i went ahead and did  the nodule. so the two pop up on the shoulders   and then one pops up on his chin . and all i did was the shoulder ones   and it wasn't too hard because he gets . occupied with all the wildlife around   of course i say that now and i'm gonna  be missing every time i try to shoot him   there we go that should hit him. but it  knocks his arms off man, it's kind of cool   they do grow back though over time we just got to watch out for , getting rooted down a bunch that should be a direct shot oh he's got us rooted hurry up man before he kills me. . he's getting close, there we go i didn't get this close last time. yep because  of that swipe man. you gotta watch out for it   tell you what, let's try this. i . don't know first personal help get some good shots on him though we need , to take these out as much as we can too   they kind of release like a little toxic cloud and . makes it really difficult. we get bonus damage   to them though so they're not that hard  all right buddy get a cannon shot in on you is that low? there we go of course miss on both. figures man that one is a direct shot. 1200 instead of 

the 6000. nice okay, so there's one arm gone that should be on the other one oh what it's still there? i thought it was only two  shots to get each one off let's get rid of a couple of these , before we get kind of trapped in with them but luckily his health is looking pretty good. . at least we got that going for us right now oh man right in front of us. dude, get out of there that's kind of what i was talking about man , between that little toxic cloud it gives you   and then getting stuck there nice, okay so there's one arm gone like , i was talking about. oh we got rooted ah see there's that toxic cloud getting me well that's a little bit of , lag there. all right let's start on this other arm before his one grows back that should be one cannon, , oh man it's way too low let's get him to spin around a little  bit. come on buddy come back this way man nice, direct shot on that. try to get one more   might be too high. yeah it's a little . bit up there watch out for that man see if we can jump when he goes to root us no, moved too quick. come on dude work with me here man let's let our heat go away a little . bit. we'll get changed around the other side here i can't take those out like that? nice, we got a hit on him though. . he is getting drawn back in i didn't realize his arm grew back  too. cool so there's another one so that one should be pretty . close to being done then boy gets really lagging when  he tries to root you down there we go. so that's that second one so there , should be the one on his chest and that'll be it nice oh man we missing him. oh take it  away, okay that was a direct shot   same thing man, we got to do as least amount of , damage to him as we can so we have more health let's get over here get some range. get . rid of some of these. he's putting these   things up everywhere man and we'll try . to get some more cannon shots on him see you back there swiping at me big boy a little high on those. nice, direct hit another direct hit i think we'll just use the blaster here towards , the end to get this last little bit done   well maybe. i'm doing , quite a bit of damage to him does that count? i don't know. oh i got rooted   come on dude we're pretty close , to him man. oh watch out. no dude, he got us dude i hope he doesn't wreck my mek that was my new tek armor i just built too.  all right let's try to get back there real   quick. hopefully everything's gonna be all , right. i think i'll take the flying ferret   with us. he should be out here. oh dude  textures. holy crap that looks bad there we go. all right i'm gonna try to head back , down and we'll see you in a few minutes all right so the thing is, i'm probably .

gonna lose my flying ferret on this one because i'm gonna have to leave him on  passive whenever we get up here to the mek so there's my body. there's the titan. all  right let's get off, get into our mek surprised he's still here. i didn't  know if he was gonna despawn or not yeah there goes my flying ferret, poor little dude nice, okay so we got him dude at least we got him tamed. okay cool, let's , get up there, claim him. nice and there we go   man. we got some forest titan. so i need to clean . everything out down here, grab my body and my stuff oh that's awesome. that was tough man. that was  pretty hard especially at the end there grab all my stuff again all right let's get him up close. oh i don't . have an axe on me. i left it back at base there we go, cool man. let's take a look at  this dude real quick. so he is pretty low   on health. is he stuck? it's kind of weird.    so his health is at 271000 currently  6000 on stamina, his weight is same thing . 50000 and then 100 percent on damage and stuff   so he seems like he's kind of , moving weird. he's a little buggy it's a regular tree swipe tell you what, i might have to log out and log , back in. seems like everything's kind of stuck all right so we are back. yeah i logged out and  logged back in. he seems to be fine now   he must have just kind of glitched out a little  bit. so anyways, this is a grab it looks like   let's get up near this, i don't know , what that is, a stego? oh there we go oh man he picks it up and  throws it. that's kind of neat is that the only, so just those two huh? , okay, okay, okay. i mean that's good enough kind of neat. i like the platform on his back  too. well awesome man. that has two titans for   us now. we have the forest one and the ice one , to help us out with the alpha king titan battle   i've got all of our gigas raised up. i just need to . do some leveling on them to get them some points   and then we'll be ready to go man. so , i'm gonna go ahead and start working on that   and i need to figure out how i can get off of this  into my titan so i don't die or into to my mek oh please don't miss. oh okay i didn't , die. holy crap i'm so close though   well that is the tame for the forest  titan. hope you enjoyed the video. gonna   go and leave this one here. as always, thanks . for watching and we'll see in the next one

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