Along a section of Winding Road tall, rused Gates Harbor Dark Secrets not an adventure for the weak. this place is known for an abundance of. evil, activity as the weary wander through the, rusted iron bars The Souls of the Damned. whisper some will visit with Wonder and, others, apprehension and for good reason for this place has spawned many, Legends stories of satanic Cults sacrifices demonic possession and a wide. range of terrifying apparitions have. allegedly revealed themselves but are there any truth to the rumors what are. these bone chilling stories what is it about the stretch of, road in thoron Colorado that has made. its so Infamous that is what we will. discover here on this episode of mystery, archives as we explore the Gates of Hell, of Riverdale Road of Colorado this video is brought to you by DraftKings it's time to have some fun, your favorite real money casino games are right at your fingertips choose from. over 300 real money games slots. blackjack Jack roulette and live dealer games whatever you want with more real, money games added regularly DraftKings casinos changing the game with new ways to play with a wide selection of exclusive DraftKings slots and blackjack. games you can't find anywhere else it's important to remember that DraftKings is safe secure and reliable and has awarded. over a 100 million in Jackpot winnings. and if DraftKings Casino isn't yet available on your state check out the, DraftKings casino app so get your piece. of the pie by heading over to the. DraftKings casino app right now and sign, up using the promo code mystery archives and play $5 and instantly receive $50 in, Casino credits this promotion is for new. customers only and using the promo code. mystery archives have some fun and play responsibly now let's get back to the content. all information provided is purely, speculative I've tried my best to find any and all information I could to the. best to fit the stories and or see possibly where they could have come from. or if there's any truth to them, Riverdale Road an 11m path located, between thoron and B Brighton Colorado, has been a supposed hotspot for. paranormal activity for decades the, earliest rumors tell us of a nearby, Native American burial ground when it was in use it said that the tribe placed a curse upon the land to affect those who would disturb their dead and as, we've heard numerous times before you, don't mess with Native burial grounds, nothing good ever comes of it more on. this later over the years strange, entities though seeming to be half human, and half animal have been known to permeate the path ahead could these. creatures have been the very feared Skin. Walkers of native folklore not all is evil with this rumor. however there are both good and evil. forces at work they say that if you see, a gray fox along the road then a benevolent entity has graced your, trip but if a coyote is what you see instead of a gray fox the path ahead is. an ominous and malevolent one we will, certainly dive back into all of these rumors later but the lore doesn't end. here it was nicknamed closer to modern. times for a variety of stories over the, decades and those of which I'll cover. now in no particular. order many people were lynched upon the, trees surrounding the road and many as. sacrifices some allegedly of former. slaves by racist groups and others. sacrifices committed by residents of the local community long ago whether the, groups were one and the same cannot be, distinguished the gates of hell was once. supposedly the home of a commune of, satanists Satanist who would do anything to keep their black church and its. practices a secret if anyone questioned, the leadership or if an outsider got too. close to the truth they would simply go missing on the North End of the Road not too far from Highway 7 there once stood. a large house probably what most would, consider to be a mansion but the Runes. of this building to Harbor Sinister, Secrets built by a very wealthy man for him and his family the home was once quite the Marvel to gaze upon but the ability to look upon the structure would, be, shortlived shortly after moving his, family in once construction was finished. the man began to change growing colder. more distant and, stranger located back behind the home. was an underground Sellar and taking the blood from the lives of those who had, gone, astray it is here that they say he used.
black magic writing strange symbols on the walls with their blood in order to. try and conjure spirits and, demons perhaps in order to gain power and wealth Behind the Cellar is an old. Burnt Tree which has some lore of its own as well this was where some victims. were supposedly hung and burned at the, Stak leaving charred, Remnant one fateful night as his family. slept the husband of the family crept up, the, stairs with an axe and without the others knowing he went room to room. slaying his wife and his children as their blood coated the floors of the. house this diabolical man seemingly demon-possessed then took Fuel and dumped it all throughout the house lit. it a flame and then stepped outside to. Revel in pure Madness and what he had, just done was it him or a demon inside, of him this will perhaps never know but. he apparently once the home was. partially engulfed in flames then took a. rope fastened it to the charred tree, behind his Cellar and ultimately hung. himself his feet dangling inches above, the ground as the home behind him was. reduced to Burnt Rubble other versions, of the story say the man disappeared and was never seen or heard from again a. pale white figure of a woman is said to. haunt the grounds now can be heard, screaming some nights when the wind is, still those that visit the Gates of Hell area have reported as previously, mentioned seeing strange animals but. they also report seeing and hearing. stranger things as well disembodied, voices the feeling of being watched and. The Sensation of icy hands poking and touching them another very strange phenomenon that's said to exist is blood. bloody human handprints, materializing on the street signs with. no rational origin this place like many. seems downright terrifying in my opinion, but is there any truth to any of these stories or are they just that, stories well here's what I found. following what we covered in order. thoron Colorado was indigenously inhabited by several native am American tribes most notably the arapo and the. Cheyenne each tribe had very different. burial methods the arapo usually buried their deceased on the same day that the. person had died the body was dressed in their finest traditional clothing and a, spacious grave was dug into the ground the person was then buried with some of, their personal belongings such as, clothing and blankets stones and other items would be placed. on top of the Grave to Mark its significance and who was buried there, arguably fairly similar to How the West, buries people today the Cheyenne however. had a very different method it's unclear. how long it took them to typically lay someone to rest but their funeral Customs were that they would wrap the, deceased in Shaws and blankets they. would proceed to the designated burial ground and during the procession a bloodletting practice would take place, where ponies would typically be killed they are interesting to me in numerous, ways but they wouldn't bury their dead. they would instead build a scaffold of, sort and lay the dead on top of it this, was done in the belief that it would accelerate the soul of the depart its, passage into the Afterlife for practical reasons it is believed that they did. this in order to prevent wild animals from pillaging the corpse which very. well may have been the case but. typically the bodies would stay and sometimes Decay and eventually fall back down to the ground now curses did exist, for both tribes but I couldn't find any, that specifically referenced burial sites and almost all people's beliefs disturbing the dead is considered very taboo could it perhaps be our Collective, regard for the Eternal rest of those who. have passed that have led us to the. belief that a burial ground could indeed. be cursed also Skin Walkers which are still feared to this day were created when a. person committed a heinous act like the, killing of a family member and this, would grant them Supernatural Powers. allowing them to shape shift from a. human to an animal at will they often become coyotes wolves Foxes, or bears though they can transition into any animal both coyotes and foxes are allegedly the Omens along the road. containing the gates of hell when it comes to the supposed lynchings that took place I found this in Colorado it, was a cheap way to execute criminals and. the majority of those that are. documented roughly 175 cases were mostly. the results of core rulings at the time. all over the state in the time being the. early 20th century as far as if formal.
slaves were lynched this very possibly, could have taken place but I couldn't find any that were directly linked to, thoron in total there were five events. that were explicitly tied to race but. many took place again in the early 20th century albe it as horrific as they were after. 1919 Lynch moms occasionally flared up to dull out public justice but as more. people moved to the state attitudes. towards this type of behavior and action. began to change therefore public opinion as well as opinion of the courts moved. away from this method of, execution when it comes to the apparent. satanic Cole commune that supposedly lived there I couldn't find any evidence, of them no matter where I looked but obviously if I was a secret cult and I was good at my job I wouldn't have any. evidence of my bloodthirsty existence on, the internet either this now leads us, back to the mansion where the name came from the name Gates of Hell came from the old and rusted iron gates of a burn. down mansion a blaze that was the result. of a Madman who took his family out now, there is proof of the Mansion who bought, it and what happened that caused it to. burn down that the truth is certainly. less spooky than the legend before I dive into it I wanted to also mention that it's more than likely that the. charred tree was the result of either the original fire or of a lightning, strike taking place the Mansion was. originally named the vber house built in, 186 4 by a man named David vber this two-story brick house was a fine, structure of dignity David who was a. very successful prospector along with. his wife Catherine had two daughters and, a son however even though fitting the, time frame when the madman's story, supposedly took place David didn't go. crazy and harm his family he actually, would go on to pass away presumably within the home at the age of 75 what happened to his family members is unclear but they most likely moved on. and passed away from natural causes the. home as far as I can tell sat vacant. from the early 1900s until. 1975 this is when a man named Dr Hugo. rodic and his wife Moran Sally Ric, purchased the home working hard on, behalf of the Adams County Historical. Society the couple would go on to restore the, home and live there for a short time. designating its status as a historical. monument things seemed normal for the. rics until 1:00 a.m. on November 28th 1975 the home which stood at 9190. Riverdale Road became engulfed in. flames it's unclear whether or not the. couple had any children or any that lived with them at that time but the Ric, would make it out of the blaze very much, alive and although the origin of the, blaze was undetermined the authorities, at the time did determine that arson did. not seem to be at play Dr rodic would go on to live and ultimately passed away at the age of, 102 it seems as though the madman. Mansion story as I've come to see it could possibly be a fictionalized amalgamation of both of the real stories. surrounding the vuler house the Runes of. the home as well as the original Gates, have since been demolished and the Pelican Pond's open space now sits in their place sometimes the truth isn't as, fun as the legends that surround an area. and perhaps there could be more truth in some of these Tales perhaps the area itself is where the veil is thinner between our world and the next it's hard to say but one thing is certain the, folklore of America is vast creative and. entertaining and it's incredible to see, so many stories spawning from seemingly, such an insignificant place like a winding stretch of road in the middle of. Colorado but what do you think do you. have any stories about the gates of hell. do you have any stories from your local. community that have become Legends make sure to let me know down in the the comments below if you enjoyed this video please give it a like share it around and subscribe all these things help me, out a ton I did just want to say thank you guys for having my back as a, community I'm really thankful to have. such an awesome group of people not only enjoying my work but also enjoying interacting and supporting one another. please don't change anyways guys please follow me on X Facebook and I'm sure I'm on any and all other social platforms, that you're on uh Spotify as well I have, all my episodes there too and with that. guys anyways love you all thank you for. allowing me to do what I do and this has, been Cody here at mystery archives. remember to police stay safe out there and take care I'll see you next time,