More often than not we see Runners fail due to bad luck but today I'd like to. share some moments when things went well despite incredible odds these are my picks for the top 10 luckiest moments in. speedr running first up we have this, clip of Kaz running Pokemon Red he. enters the Giovani fight and as you're, about to hear forgot to use an Elixir to heal because he can't kill his neoc King, in one hit it seems like the run is over. lucky for him in this game Ice Beam has. a 10% chance of freezing your enemy, which is exactly what happen s right. when he needs it oh, no I'm I'm I lost I forgot to use Elixir. oh my God I forgot to use, Elixir I forgot to use Elixir oh my God I forgot to use Elixir oh my God oh my, God I might die here I might die. here my adrenaline got the best of me, critical. critical oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God that just happened that. just happened that just. happened you may recognize this clip from my top 10 saves video going into this fight Caleb forgets to equip the. transform ability which is very. important because it gives you the. ability to do single hits of damage you, need to get this guy to exactly. 7,777 Health to kill him with this method so because he doesn't have transform he needs to hit a 99 exactly, to get past this. fight let's go, what no transform okay now it's now it's really over man you got to be kidding me. why dude of all the things to forget it, has to be the most important thing. all right it's still possible I don't even know what red 13's magic stat, is watch me get a 99 roll oh my God that, would be so. amazing oh my God I got, it oh my God, abne is an amazing Mario Kart 64 Runner while in first place you have a 10%. chance of getting a mushroom from any given item box during this race ABY got not one not two not three but four, mushrooms sadly his mic was off so we. didn't get to hear his reaction still
some pretty crazy luck though , Worster is known for getting terrible. luck during his Pokémon runs however. this time things go his way not only, does he avoid all encounters for over 80. patches of grass when he finally does, get an encounter it's exactly what he needs, holy, up . system. yes genun 100% me like it's really close I think like like 98% it will oh my God all right now just one encounter and. it's a pwag. Poliwag. pwag pwag oh my, . God inside the P parlor in Paper Mario, the Thousand-Year Door there's a slot machine you can get three sevens by, stopping all three wheels at very precise timings in this case samchi is, just trying to throw his coins away but, as he mashes through he gets extremely lucky mix like that easy and then I'll. gamble two away cuz I don't care about. taking are you kidding are you for real right now I, just wanted to gamble it, away oh that I don't even give a , anymore this is an old clip of Trix, running Yoshi's Island 100% I'm guessing. he messed up and that's why he ended up. in the bonus stage where you're forced, to complete a memory game he spaces out. while the game is showing him all the. tiles so he has to guess instead like got two RL videos like non speed oh I, didn't pay attention holy oh, I, yes bottom right egg next to fire bot the, bot once again, TR where is this where is this set oh my. God guess again dude, oh I won the game with, like five, guesses H, white yeah here we have slask running Ocarina of Time 100% bomb count is a. huge issue in this run so there are points when you need to farm bombs any, given section of grass has a one in 16 chance of dropping bombs and slask gets,
seven of. , them oh you freaking see it in , this in Super Mario 64 there's a trick called cannonless where you clip into the corner of a wall and grab a star. it's one of the most precise tricks in the game but thankfully there's a consistent setup for it in this run. cheese messes up and jumps off the board but somehow still gets the exact right angle and position to get the. star oh my god dude look at my. stream just look at it look what I just did oh my God I just, did that Jesus Christ, that is going on archives for the rest. of my life look what I just did. oh my God I am literally Jesus Christ. son speaking of precise tricks we have, this video of Cosmo doing void warp the. angle required for this trick to work is the size of 8% of one ESS turn which is. incredibly small he does a setup to get, H the angle then as link Clips he's hit, by a Falling Rock but link is knocked in. the exact right direction to hit the loading zone and void out on the same frame making this work this run ended up, being a personal best oh oh my god did you see that oh my God, okay hold on I don't even know where I have to go. here and now to finish off this video we're going to take a look at Luke. Pettit and his frig secret agent run this run is one of the most frustrating in the game not necessarily for its difficulty but for its extreme luck. Factor one objective in this run is to help four hostages Escape after you free, them they run around the boat randomly until they escape at some point you have. to go through the run as fast as, possible and the hostages will Almost Never Escape in time there are only a handful of runs that have even gotten. close to this so the odds of loot. completing this run within 58 seconds, and having the hostages Escape are, extremely slim but that exactly what happened just 2 months after a set the, previous record of 59 seconds, , . a, ,