Trump Sells Out MAGA for Donor Cash

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Israel has to finish that job they have. to finish it quickly strongly and they. have to get back to life again because. it's taking too long they have to finish, the job saying go in win and finish you, got to win got to win after mostly, staying quiet about the ongoing war on, Gaza Trump is now signaling that he'd be, even more aggressive in backing Israel. as the International Community watches in horror now political bribes have a. lot to do with it before we give you those details it's worth getting into Trump's latest conversation with Shan, Hannity on this particular matter let's, watch AOC, plus3 you know Israel was the most, powerful Lobby in the country 15 years. ago today between TB and AOC and all of. these people what they're doing uh, Israel they don't have the back end that, they once had you'll give it to them. yeah I have the I'm good I'm good but, they don't have the backing even Schumer he become like a Palestinian Chuck Schumer Jewish always strong for Israel, he's become like a Palestinian he called for elections in the middle of a war yeah it's uh it's a very bad thing it's. a very sad thing and it's a very. dangerous thing absolutely disgusting and for anyone who supports Trump and declares themselves America First what, you just heard was not America First. what you just heard was Israel I am. going to give you you more American, funded Weaponry okayer I'm going to make American taxpayers fund the bombs that. we're going to send over to Israel okay I mean he's just signaling by the way I. just love the fact that he's he's the, guy who says drain the swamp the reason. why you're hearing him signal the way, that he's signaling here is specifically because he's been meeting up with Miriam adelen and begging her for money and I'm going to give you the proof of that in, just just a moment but it's just amazing to me like he's not America First he's. what do I need to do to get into a. position of power first that's who Donald Trump is yeah so wait till you, see what he promised her in order to get, the money it's unbelievable pausing here. to deliver some honest truth as we do in. our news coverage as well tyt is facing challenges guys as the entire industry. is you know who could make the, difference you if you hit the join button below it's going to make all the. difference and keep us in business we appreciate you thank you all right so uh, first he says finish them when Nikki. heli said finish them wrote it on a bomb when she was visiting Israel uh M media doesn't mind they love Nikki Haley they, love neans they love Israel uh you know, doing whatever they want to do right uh. but progressives were uh honest and fair and they're like no that's terrible right and they say the same thing to. Trump so they're fine anti-war, right-wingers were like ah see that's, why we had to pick Trump Niki haly's and, neocon now do anti-war right-wingers actually exist yes they do do they. actually hate the neocons yes they do. okay but unfortunately they're massive Hypocrites and they don't understand, what Trump actually is so when Nikki, Haley says it the anti-war right- WIS, like oh look at that that's why it's a. good thing we didn't pick her Trump says the same exact thing finished him finished the job and they're like oh. he's, anti-war all right man Whatever Gets You, Through the Night he's not remotely. anti-war uh and then he massive lie, after massive lie if you watch the whole. interview that. that when he said AOC plus3 you know. what he was referring to he was he said, oh people are denying that October 7th. even happened like AOC plus three they didn't deny that the October 7th, happened he just made that up because he. makes up everything he's just an pathological liar he can't stop lying and then but the most amazing part of. that was Schumer he's like a Palestinian, now he uses it as an insult like can you, believe he's so low now he's like a. Palestinian hey oh he's betraying. everybody he's like a Palestinian Chuck invited prime minister Benjamin, Netanyahu to address a joint session of, Congress a man who is overseeing a genocide in,

Gaza he's like a. Palestinian Chuck Schumer bowed his head after giving that house that speech on, the senate floor that's right I mean, look and he says oh I can't Hannity says. I can't believe they're calling for, elections in the middle of a war no it's, a parliamentary system that happens all, time Ari Emanuel uh runs WME incredibly, powerful one of the most powerful guys. in Hollywood uh loves Israel wrote a letter about how you know everything's anti-semitic blah blah blah but he said we got to get rid of Netanyahu he he. doesn't particularly care that much, about Palestinians but he's like he's destroying the reputation of Israel I love Israel I don't want him to and, that's fair that's his position I respect it right is he a Palestinian now. is Ari Emanuel betraying Israel for calling for getting rid of Netanyahu these hers who the hell are you guys to. say that Schumer and Ari Emanuel are aren't Jewish enough or don't love Israel enough it's it's absurd that's kind of vile crap that Donald Trump says 247 but like we said it's actually going, to get way worse so uh let's get to. haret and their reporting on uh the. meetings that Donald Trump has been having with Miriam adelen who wants uh, Israel to Annex the West Bank and wants. Trump to help in that effort so Trump is desperate for cash writes heret and he's. holding a fire sale on future, presidential Authority anything goes for, the man who believes that a presidential. victory will save him from prison which, scares him more than anything else so, there is an unintended consequence to pursuing legal action against Donald Trump and it's the fact that he's even more obsessed with winning and he'll, stop at nothing to win because he wants. to Pardon himself and he wants the these, uh indictments to go away so let me. continue though U and if you're. wondering what Trump is going to do. you'll get a good idea by digging into. the gravy train that funded him back in, 2016 so in order to understand what's, happening now let's just quickly, remember what happened in 2016 with Miriam adelson's husband so after Trump, had won the Republican primaries in 2016, he was left without donors to face off uh Hillary Clinton that's when Las Vegas casino mobile Sheldon adelen offered him. a deal 20 million ion Dollar in exchange, for moving the US Embassy in Israel from. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem all in all adelen, heaped over $90 million on Trump the. embassy moved to Jerusalem against the. advice of Trump's AIDS and adelen became Trump's most influential donor so Trump delivered Sheldon is luckily dead so you would think you don't you don't have to worry about him anymore except that's, not the case at first everyone was under. the assumption that Miriam adelen would kind of stay out of politics in fact she, heard self claimed that she wouldn't be involved in politics as much as her. husband was uh but that turned out to b bs adelen didn't name the sum but is expected to spend more than she and her, late husband did four years ago this. would make her 2024's biggest campaign donor and Trump invited adelon to Shabbat dinner at Mar Lago in March Trump didn't come out of that dinner, with the campaign contributions that he was hoping for uh but he had several phone conversations with her following, that meeting and also a few days later, he sat for an interview uh with Omar uh, L manovich and Ariel kanana uh of the. adelen owned free daily so adelen owns. media companies so he sat down with an interview with them and said the. following I'm a very loyal person I've, been the best president in history by a. factor of 10 to Israel because of all, the things I do the embassy Jerusalem being the capital but then you have the Abraham Accords and then you have the, Golan Heights Trump told them referring to American recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the territory nobody even thought that was going to be possible I'm sorry I do I want to H you skipped, one sentence accidentally and I think it's a very critical one right at the, top it said he said I've been loyal to Israel so uh Maga America First you sure cuz, he's bragging about how loyal he is to Israel they're all loyal to Israel they.

don't care about our country as long as, there are moneyed interests in this. country that bribe our politicians our. politicians are going to put a foreign, country before the American people that, is happening right now as we speak and it is it boggles my mind that the, America First crowd who I actually when. it comes to certain elements of their beliefs I actually subscribe to them because I do think that we need to focus on making this country better we need to, focus on improving the lives of, Americans but how am I supposed to take, them seriously if they refuse to even criticize like they would even criticize. Trump for this if you're unwilling to even criticize him for this that makes, me think you're not actually serious, about focusing on this country and. making this country better for the. American people so now let's get to the, most important quote um what mayor mson, really wants from Trump's and remember. guys this is heret in Israel reporting. this really wants from Trump's second term is an Israeli annexation of the, West Bank and a US recognition of, Israeli sovereignty in all the regions, of the land under these conditions, there's no room for the Palestinian Authority and nobody to sign a peace Accord, with so if Miriam adelon gives Trump enough money he will say you are now in. charge of foreign policy and if you would like that foreign government to. illegally Annex the West Bank which. could start a gigantic war in the Middle. East and which would be just the the, biggest violation of international law. in our lifetimes he's like as long as you bribe me enough I will and this is, all out in the open heret is reporting. it she talked about it in New York. Magazine it's Etc because there's no accountability so now they're just. rubbing it in our face yeah we're just, going to buy Trump and he's going to do. exactly as Israel orders him to do because there's a wealthy American who. thinks that Israel is 10,000 times more. important than America look guys just look at the thing that already happened. New York Times reported it so $20. million to Trump to move the embassy, well that's just buying US foreign policy you're America First and you're. okay with that that some donor gives Trump $20 million and then he's allowed, to set our foreign, policy and he moved our Embassy you know, Trump got impeached because he was saying oh I will or won't help Ukraine. based on whether they give me dirt on, Joe Biden I know but they don't want. that's why hold on that's affecting foreign policy that's why was impeached this affects foreign policy a 100 times. more moving our Embassy could have, started a giant war in the Middle East, and trumped it for 20 million nothing, almost no coverage no polit no Democrat. even complains about it I wrote about. Sheldon Alis in my book not because of. Israel but just as like a spectacular, example of legalized bribery because he's given $100 million to Trump in 2016 and in 2020 he got everything he wanted. not just this stuff economic interest. lower taxes Banning gambling because he. runs casinos Etc but to me the one I always tell you guys about he gave, Miriam Adon the presidential medal of. freedom that's the highest honor America. has he threw it in like a chachki like. oh yeah you're bribing me okay he I'll, give you some Ginsu knives and a. presidential medal of freedom because. this country is a joke it's just nothing but corruption wall to wall and of all, of the corrupt disgusting politicians in this country including Joe Biden incl, including all the corporate Democrats, and all the corporate Republicans the, most disgusting of all is Donald Trump. just selling pieces of America for, whoever's the highest bitter thanks for. watching The Young Turks really appreciated another way to show support, is through YouTube memberships you'll, get to interact with us more there's. live chat emojis badges youve got emojis of me Anna John Jr so those are super, fun but you also get playback of our. exclusive member only shows and specials right after they air so all that all you got to do is click that join button. right underneath the video thank you

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