After that terrible attack in Central Park, you spent a lot of money taking ads that seemed, Donald, to the, casual reader, insightful, like vigilant - wow! Of course I hate these people, and let's all hate these people because maybe hate is what we need if we're gonna get something done. I mean it's incredible when a reporter asks me, whether or not I have compassion for the people who did this crime. I have absolutely no compassion. A well-educated. black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market, and I think sometimes a black may think that they don't really have the advantage or this or that, but in actuality, today, currently, it's a great -- I've said on occasion even about myself, if I was starting off today,, I would love to be a well-educated because I really believe they do have an. actual advantage today. I said I believe I have more Indian blood in my veins, than you have and I have none. They don't look like Indians to me and they don't, look like Indians to Indians. I would like to have him show his birth. certificate. And can I be honest with you? I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he, can't, and if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility -- I'm not saying it happ... -- I'm saying it's a real, possibility much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago, then he has,
pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics. Was their birth, certificate? You tell me. You know, some people say that was not his birth, certificate, so maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. You don't believe it was his birth certificate? I don't know. I'm saying I don't know. When Mexico sends its people,. they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime,. they're rapists, and some I assume are good people. Negotiating with China, when these people walk in the room, they don't say 'oh hello, how's the weather, so beautiful outside, isn't it lovely, how are the Yankees doing, oh they're doing, wonderful, great,' they say 'we want deal.' Do you want to renegotiate deals? Some of us, renegotiate deals. I would say about 99.9 -- is there anybody. that doesn't renegotiate deals in this room? This room negotiates -- I want to renegotiate. This room... Perhaps more than any room I've ever, spoken to. Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out. what the hell is going on. Ah, look at my African-American over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest? He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between, here and Mexico. The answer is he is giving us very unfair rulings, rulings that people can't even believe. This case should have ended years ago on summary. judgment. Our inner cities, African-Americans, Hispanics are living. in hell because it's so dangerous. You walk down the street you get shot. Are you gonna include the CBC, Mr. President in your conversations with your urban agenda, your inner-city agenda, as well as... Am I gonna include who? Are you gonna include the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic... Well, I would. Do what you,
want to set up the meeting? Do you want to set up the meeting? No no no Are they friends of yours? I'm just a reporter. I think there's blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. I have no doubt about it and you don't have any doubt about it either. You were. here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago -- they call her a Pocahontas, but. you know what, I like you because you are special. According to the New York Times,. he complained that the 15,000 Haitian immigrants, who received visas in 2017,, "all have AIDS." In that very same meeting, The Times reports, he said that once the, 40,000 Nigerian immigrants given visas arrived in the U.S., they would never "go. back to their huts." The White House denies this report. The Post reports that,, according to two people briefed in the meeting, the president asked, quote "why. are we having all these people from shithole countries come here," referring, to African countries and Haiti. The president then went on to talk about how, they needed to bring in more people from places like Norway. In a new and truly stunning attack on his former White House aide and former prime time co-star Omarosa. Manigault Newman, this is what the president just wrote, quote "When you give a crazed crying lowlife a break and give, her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out., Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog.",