Twin River Keeps List of People Excluded from Casino

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INVESTIGATORS' EXCLUSIVE: "THE LIST" WE'VE LEARNED TWIN RIVER KEEPS A LIST -- THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE -- TOLD THEY CAN'T STEP FOOT IN THE CASINO... OR THEY COULD BE ARRESTED. POLICE AND LOTTERY OFFICIALS CALL IT THE EXCLUSION LIST. AND WE'VE LEARNED SOME PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ON IT FOR DECADES TARGET 12 INVESTIGATOR TIM WHITE IS HERE NOW WITH HIS FINDINGS. OVER THE YEARS, THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE TOLD THEY AREN'T ALLOWED ON TWIN RIVER PROPERTY HAS GROWN... AS IT TURNS, MOST OF THE PEOPLE ON THE LIST HAVE ASKED TO BE THERE. FOR YEARS, NEW ENGLAND MOBSTER ANTHONY THE SAINT ST. LAURENT WAS ON WHAT WAS KNOWN AS THE BLACK LIST IN LAS VEGAS, PERMANENTLY BARRED FROM ENTERING A CASINO THERE BECAUSE OF HIS STRONG TIES TO ORGANIZED CRIME. FOLLOWING HIS DEATH IN NOVEMBER... HIS NAME WAS REMOVED. IT TURNS OUT, TWIN RIVER IN LINCOLN, HAS A SIMILAR LIST. Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson (3005) how many people are on the list? d: About 2500 on the list TWIN RIVER SPOKESPERSON PATTI DOYLE SAYS THEY CALL IT THE EXLUCSION LIST... AND IT DOESN'T TAKE COMMITTING A CRIME TO LAND ON IT. Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson (3048) Might be lude behavior to other guests or staff to not liking the outcome at a slot machine so endeavoring to bring damage to the machine A POLICE LOG SHOWS ONE MAN POURED A BEER INTO A SLOT MACHINE IN FRUSTRATION... Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson (3106) trying to cap bets steal chips from other players so those kind of infractions would buy you an exclusion from the property (3115) TWIN RIVER SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE KEEP WATCH, LOOKING FOR THOSE THEY KNOW SHOULDN'T BE THERE. EJECTED GAMBLERS CAN ALSO BE IDENTIFIED WHEN THEY ATTEMPT TO USE A LOYALTY CARD, OR TRYING TO CLAIM A SIZEABLE PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES AN I-D. Tim White - Lincoln If someone is put on the list and told they can't be in here inside the casino, we're told they can plead their case and try and be removed from the list Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson (3210) d: there is a process its nothing formal but if they feel that they would like the opportunity to talk to a twin river manager and state their case, that's available to them. IF THEY FAIL TO WIN THE CASINO OVER, THE PERSON CAN BE CHARGED WITH MISDEMEANOR TRESPASSING IF THEY ARE SPOTTED. TWIN RIVER WON'T PROVIDE A LIST OF NAMES BUT... Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson w: (3141) do people who are on the list know they are on the list? d: they do know AS IT TURNS OUT, THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE ON THE LIST -- DOYLE SAYS 70 PERCENT - HAVE ASKED TO BE THERE. THEY NEED THE CASINO'S HELP TO STAY AWAY. Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson d: (3358) they feel as though they need an added barrier from entering a gaming venue and so they do ask filling out a form thats online through the RI division of lotteries. they ask that they be excluded for a certain period of time to a lifetime. AGAIN, THE CASINO WILL NOT PROVIDE NAMES OF PEOPLE ON THE LIST, BUT THEY TELL ME THE LONGEST SERVING PERSON STRETCHES BACK TWO DECADES, FROM WHEN TWIN RIVER, WAS CALLED LINCOLN PARK. WITH THE TARGET 12 INVESTIGATORS TIM WHITE EYEWITNESS NEWS TARGET 12 INVESTIGATORS' EXCLUSIVE: "THE LIST" WE'VE LEARNED TWIN RIVER KEEPS A LIST OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE, TOLD---- THEY CAN'T SET FOOT IN THE CASINO... OR THEY COULD BE ARRESTED. NEW AT 6: WE EXPLORE WHAT THIS LIST MEANS FOR THE NEW CASINO THAT'S PROPOSED TO BE BUILT IN TIVERTON. TARGET 12 INVESTIGATOR TIM WHITE IS HERE NOW WITH THE DETALS. 2500 PEOPLE ARE ON A LIST KEPT BY THE CASINO, STATE POLICE AND THE STATE LOTTERY. TOLD THEY CAN'T COME HERE... WHICH LIKELY MEANS THEY WILL BE SHUT OUT FROM NEW CASINO IN TIVERTON. IT'S CALLED THE EXCLUSION LIST. 2500 PEOPLE TOLD TO STAY AWAY. SOME... THE CASINO - OR POLICE - HAVE IDENTIFIED AS TROUBLEMAKERS. Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson (3102) There could be some infractions at the tables or at the roulette wheel trying to cap bets steal chips from other players so those kind of infractions would buy you an exclusion from the property (3115) OR OTHERS WHO ASK TO BE ON THE LIST, BECAUSE THEY NEED HELP STAYING OUT OF THE CASINO. Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson (3009) d: so about 70-75% are self excluded and the remaining are excluded by the property and/or our law enforcement partners the RI state police gaming enforcement unit or the division of lotteries both have a strong presence here TWIN RIVER SPOKESPERSON PATTI DOYLE SAYS... THE LIST, FOLLOWS THE GAMING LICENSE. Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson w: (3435) you have the facility here in Lincoln, you have a new one that's going to open up in Tiverton. will that list apply in both locations? d: it will and it does. it does right now at Newport Grand. that's a transfer of license. When Newport Grand closes the license transfers to Twin River Tiverton and the policy is the same (JV: THIS MAY BE TOO MUCH, LET'S SEE HOW IT FEELS... WE MAY WANT TO CUT HERE) w: (3456) so if you're on the list at Twin River, you're on the list at Newport Grand? d: exactly w: and you'll be on the list in Tiverton d: (3459) yes you will SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE STAFF USE VISUAL IDENTIFICATION TO TRY AND SPOT PEOPLE WHO AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE... AND THERE ARE OTHER METHODS. Patti Doyle Twin River Spokesperson (3313) if the person that's excluded goes in to collection winnings you have to show an ID and they would be tripped up there. so they wouldn't be able to use a loyalty card or a credit card without tripping up on that DOYLE SAYS PEOPLE CAN ASK TO BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST, BY STATING THEIR CASE TO TWIN RIVER MANAGEMENT. THE NEW TIVERTON CASINO IS SLATED TO OPEN IN JULY OF 2018. WITH THE TARGET 12 INVESTIGATORS TIM WHITE EYEWITNESS NEWS (MM) THE TARGET 12 INVESTIGATORS ARE ALWAYS LOOKING TO UNCOVER NEWS. IF YOU WANT TO SEND A TIP, OR REPORT GOVERNMENT, WASTE, CALL OUR TIPLINE AT 2-2-8, 1-7-6-3 --- OR EMAIL US AT TARGET 12 AT W-P-R-I- DOT-COM.

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